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Jane Austen said, “Good apple pies are a considerable part of our domestic happiness.” This quote actually comes from a letter Jane wrote to her sister Cassandra in 1815. So not only do we now know Jane Austen loved apple pie, we know apple pie has been around for quite a long time. Long enough for many delicious variations to be perfected.
In honor of National Pi Day (March 14th), I created an Apple Pie Recipe collection on to share some of my favorite apple pie recipes with you.
I threw in a couple of surprises…like the Mock Apple Pie recipe. I won’t spoil the fun, you’ve got to go check out the main ingredient in this pie for yourself. You won’t believe it. I didn’t!
What is your favorite kind of homemade pie?
Jo-Ann Brightman says
Apple pie is my favorite and this is a great collection of recipes . I think I like the Mini crumb apple pies the most.
Trish F says
I love apple pie and my favorite has always been a French pie with a crumble top, but since I have given up gluten, I have gone without. After looking at the link for the 15, I would love to try the Paleo Apple Pie and the Gluten free one. Thanks for sharing.
Wendy | Around My Family Table says
Mmmmm…..pie! These all look delish!
Nancy Lustri (StyleDecor) says
Caramel Apple Pie!!! I’m dying here! These recipes look AMAZING!! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
kristin says
YUM!!Love apple pies!
Heather @ It's a Lovely Life! says
Oh my gosh! I LOVE apple pie! I’m going to check out all of these recipes!
Jennifer Soltys says
Great collection! They all look super tasty!
Mama to 5 BLessings says
yummy! LOVE apple pie, goes great warm with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top!
brett says
oh, apple pie. how I LOVE apple pie!!
Tammilee T says
Hello Yum! I can’t wait to try some of these recipes. We love apple pies.
Pam says
I love apple pie any way I can get it, but adding caramel just moves it to a new level.
Candace says
Pie trumps cake every time in my book. These look incredible. Thanks for sharing.
CrazyMom a/k/a Melanie says
OMG.. Apple pie is my weakness in every shape and “color”…lol.. Love it.. and you found 15 awesome ones for me to try.. trust me, I will make them all.. can’t wait to digg in…thank for sharing
Nicole says
You’ll have to let me know which ones you try and like best. I just bought some pie shells today so I can make one. 🙂
Ellen Christian says
I don’t do a lot of pies. I really enjoy custard pie though.
Angela S says
Good old fashioned apple pie is one of my faves. These look wonderful!
Kelsey Apley says
Candy Apple … YES please! That caramel looks good too, I have never had that kind of pie!
Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says
That sugar-kissed version looked pretty delicious to me. Actually they all do!
Daisy says
These are great, especially when we find deals on apples at a farmers market. My hubby LOVES apples and apple pies.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
Caramel apple pie is my fave!!!
Clair Boone says
Yummmmmmmmmm apple pies and a gluten free one! Thanks!
Mindy Grant says
I love apple pie in any way, shape or form. These all look awesome!
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
Mmmm, apple pie. So delish. 🙂 Love your collection.
Mistee Dawn says
Yum. Apple pie is my favorite pie. Thanks for all the yummy recipes.