Mom Always Finds Out is an Earth's Best Blogger and received products for review purposes. Regardless, all opinions expressed are my own. This blog post may contain affiliate links. I am a huge fan of baby food pouches. They make it so easy for my toddler to feed himself without making a huge mess. We can easily pack them in the diaper bag for healthy on-the-go snacks. The Earth's Best Fruit and Yogurt Smoothies are some of our very ...
Earth's Best
NEW From Earth’s Best Organic: Yogurt Puffs
One thing I love about being an Earth's Best Blogger is that I get the chance to try the new organic baby food products and tell you about them! Earth's Best Organic recently introduced a new baby snack that I am sure will be a huge hit: Yogurt Puffs! These melt-away puffs are made from wholesome grains and combine delicious fruit flavors with the nutritious goodness of yogurt. When Can Your Baby Enjoy Earth's Best Yogurt Puffs? Your baby is ...
Travel with Little Ones? Earth’s Best Offers Tips + A Giveaway of Travel Essentials
The holiday season is here and it's time to travel to spend time with family and friends. Whether you are headed across town or across the country, travel with little ones takes advance planning to make sure things go smoothly. Earth's Best offers a variety of organic and eco-friendly products to help parents keep kids happy and healthy on the go. Earth's Best shares the perfect travel products for babies and toddlers in their Holiday Travel ...
Keeping It Clean With Earth’s Best Chlorine Free Nursery Wipes (Giveaway Closed)
Cleaning is a constant and never-ending chore when you have a baby or toddler around the house. It seems like while I am getting rid of one mess, my kids have gone on to make another. It's a lot of work to keep a healthy home environment, but there are products to help make it a little bit easier. One of those products is Earth's Best Nursery Wipes. These chlorine free wipes come in a convenient canister and travel pack option so you can safely ...
New from Earth’s Best! Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula
Earth's Best recently introduced a new product: Earth's Best Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula. It is great news for formula-feeding parents of babies with sensitive stomachs because this is the first FDA approved certified organic infant formula. Earth's Best Organic Sensitivity Infant Formula is lower in lactose to help ease fussiness and gas for babies with sensitive tummies. The unique, organic whey protein formula is easy-to-digest and ...
NEW! Sesame Street Snacks From Earth’s Best Organics {#Giveaway}
Today's special news is brought to you by the Letters E and B, as in Earth's Best! Did you know that Earth's Best partners with Sesame Street to promote the Healthy Habits for Life initiative? Healthy Habits for Life is Sesame Street's program to help young children and their caregivers establish healthy habits from a young age. As part of the partnership, Earth's Best is able to offer Sesame Street themed products and meals. More details on ...
NEW! Earth’s Best Organic Fruit & Grain Puree Pouches
Have you seen the newest kind of Earth's Best Organic puree pouches to hit the market? The Fruit & Grain Purees are the perfect portable meal or snack for your baby (age 6 months and up) and toddler. There are four delicious organic fruit and whole grain varieties so far: Apple Peach Oatmeal Apple Plum Kamut Banana Raspberry Brown Rice Pear Apricot Barley My one-year-old son loves to feed himself from a squeezable pouch. This ...
Earth’s Best Potty Training Pants & Chlorine-Free Flushable Wipes
I'm not going to sugarcoat it: Potty training is not a fun time for me. I have boys, and I freely admit that I tend to put off potty-training as long as possible. It seems to be socially acceptable to wait longer to potty train boys, since research suggests that most boys are not physically ready to be trained as early as girls. That is all the excuse this mama needs to justify putting off the dreaded potty training process! But, all good ...
More Breakfast, Please! ~ Earth’s Best Organic Kids Oatmeal
I have always heard that you should never skip breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. But did you know scientific studies have shown that children who eat a healthy breakfast perform better at school? It's very important to take the time to provide your child with a well-balanced breakfast for many reasons, and Earth's Best Yummy Tummy Oatmeal is a quick and easy way to do it. My kids love the Maple and Brown Sugar Organic ...