A few weeks ago, I asked for readers to comment with their ideas about what Cottonelle should name their 2-step care routine. You may remember me telling you that there’s a contest going on with a year’s supply of Cottonelle toilet paper and fresh care products up for grabs to the person who comes up with the best name.
So what care routine names did my creative readers come up with? All of them made me smile, most of them made me laugh, and a few suggestions bordered on TMI (as in “Too Much Information”). I have picked out a few of my favorites from the original Cottonelle blog post to share with you. Did yours make the cut?
Christine W. suggests Wipe n’ Swipe
Natalie suggests Total Wipeout
Beth suggests Clean Sweep
Hollie J. suggests Fresh Ta-Da!
Corey O. suggests Clean Getaway
Kathy P. suggests Fresh Fanny
Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care and Fresh Care products are my family’s favorite. We have been loyal Cottonelle fans for years, what about you? If you haven’t tried Cottonelle, you may be missing out! Feel fresh and clean with the 2-step care routine. Try it, I know you will love it.
Cottonelle’s “Name It” Contest on Facebook
What do you think Cottonelle should call their care routine? It’s not too late to Submit your best idea at the Cottonelle Facebook page and you could win a Year’s Supply of Cottonelle Ultra Comfort Care and Cottonelle Fresh Care products!