A long soak in a warm bath is one of my favorite ways to relax and unwind. I make a regular bath even better by using homemade bath salts. My basic unscented diy bath salts recipe calls for simple pantry ingredients: epsom salt and baking soda. Adding essential oils is a nice and easy way to put scent into your bath salts, but it's totally optional. Epsom Salt Bath Benefits Taking an epsom salt bath is ...
epsom salt bath
Epsom Salts Uses: 4 DIY Beauty Treatments Perfect For an At-Home Spa Day!
You'll Love These Ideas For Epsom Salts Uses It's time to treat yourself to an at-home Spa Day. Taking care of yourself with DIY spa treatments does not have to be expensive. Some of my favorite at home beauty treatments cost pennies. I'm serious! Check out these amazing Epsom Salts uses for beauty with Epsom Salt benefits you'll love. The secret to affordable at home spa treatments starts with Epsom Salts. It is sold in several pound bags at ...