I am a cloth diapering mom to my one year old, and in a few months will have a newborn to add to my cloth diaper mix. Here are a few tips from my own experiences with cloth diapering.
The Obvious: Diapers (your preference as to type you want to use)
I wash my diapers every other day, and have found that I need to have at least 12 to 18 diapers in my stash to make that possible without running out between washes.
Dirty Diaper Pail or Wetbag:
I have only tried using the wet bag system. I have 2 extra large bags (one to wash, one to use) that hold dirty diapers. I toss the dirty wet bag in with the diapers to wash. This system has worked easy enough for me so far.
Clean Diaper Waiting Area: I have found it most convenient to have a large laundry basket to store clean diapers. This way, I can just unload my dryer full of diapers directly into the basket. If I get around to folding them, great…if I don’t, at least they are in the right place ready to be used!
Diaper Detergent: I’m on what seems to be a never ending quest for the perfect laundry detergent for cloth diapers. I think I have found my winner in Rockin’ Green Hard Rock. It works amazingly with my well water and I don’t have any stinky diaper issues anymore! I love it!
For On the Go:
Since I don’t go out for long periods of time, I have found that a small wet bag in my diaper bag is sufficient. My small diaper bag can hold 1-2 clean diapers, and then I can change them out for the dirty ones as needed. I recommend at least one small wet bag, although two is most convenient so you will always have a clean one on hand.
What are your special hints on making cloth diapering a successful experience when it comes to dealing with everyday dirty and clean diapers?