I flipped straight to Chapter 5 “Little Helpers,” which as you may have guessed, shares stories involving children, the kitchen and food. My favorite anecdote involves a mom who grew tired of her children complaining about her nutritious, home-cooked meals and decides to go on a cooking strike, leaving the children to fend for themselves at mealtime. I won’t spoil the story for you – it’s really fun to read about how the kids cope without their mom’s food (including her delicious brownies) – but any mom with complaining kids will be inspired by the story’s end.
“Food and love are inextricably intertwined. These wonderful stories – and recipes – will warm your heart and nourish your soul.” -Amy Newmark
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Food and Love by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Amy Newmark is available for purchase at Amazon in paperback form (currently $9.99) or the Kindle Edition (delivered wirelessly).