This is definitely the hottest deal you’ll find online for the “I Like” Book for children. (So far, the cheapest I have seen is $19.95 plus shipping charges.) Buy this Limited Time Special Offer and get them for only $10 each plus FREE shipping!
I think it would be fun to have one of these for each one of my children so we can remember their favorite things while they were a kid. Check them out. And if you are already an “I Like” book fan, please let me know what you think about these books in the comments.
Cultivate what matters most…relationships with those you love with the “I LIKE BOOK”
Today’s deal is the “I LIKE BOOK”, an eco-friendly interactive book designed to bring parents closer with their children.
This ground breaking book is changing the way parents communicate with their children. It is a grass roots effort to build up a child’s self-esteem while opening communication with parents.
Each page has great graphics, places to doodle and space for recording things that they “LIKE” about their child. Not only does this allow you to focus on the positive things that you children do, but it becomes a family memory book!
The book is designed for 12 months of ‘likes’ from the parents to the kiddos to create authentic communication and build up their children one ‘like’ at a time.
Today’s Deal: “The I Like Book” for $10 and free shipping! ($25 value)
Limit 10 per person and 10 to gift
6 months expiration from date of purchase