Magformers are some of the hottest toys on the shelf these days! It took about ten seconds playing with Magformers for my boys (all four of them) to ask me, Mom, why haven’t you got us these toys SOONER?
Magformers are fairly new, hitting the toy scene a few years ago. Since then, Magformers have won countless awards and are on everybody’s “Hottest Toys” list. And now I’m including them on mine. These are some of the best toys my kids have ever owned. EVER. They are so much fun! My kids love to play with magnets and Magformers takes that one step further and lets kids build in 3D with colorful magnetic pieces.
What are Magformers®? They are geometric magnetic toys that click together to let kids build in 3D. The magnetics are housed inside the colorful BPA-free plastic shape. Their unique design allows the magnets to attract, no matter which way they are clicked together. The magnets are really strong, so 3D shapes can stand up all by themselves.
Magformers can be used by kids of all ages. At my house, everyone from the preschooler to the middle schooler plays with them.
The Magformers teaches shapes and colors, and inspires creativity and thinking skills. These toys are popping up in homes and school S.T.E.A.M. programs everywhere.
We received a couple of the newest Magformers® sets to review: a 42-piece R/C Cruiser Set and a Dinosaur Set. All of the Magformers sets are compatible with each other. So you can always add more Magformers to your collection. Sets include different shapes and different colors, so you can continue to expand your Magformers collection to get a variety of pieces.
My 8-year-old son was super excited to be able to build and race his very own R/C car. The set comes with building shapes in opaque red, black and blue plus an Idea Booklet with instructions for how to build 12 different vehicles. Once a 3D vehicle is built, it can be controlled from the battery-operated remote (included.) Note that you can only build one vehicle at a time.
This set is perfect for him in so many ways. He’s the type of kid who loves to follow step-by-step building instructions. And the Magformers Dinosaur Set idea booklet teaches kids how to build 5 different dinosaurs. The Dinosaur Set is also good for creative free-building because it comes with a variety of colorful shapes.
A nice starter set would be the Magformers 62-piece Designer Set. This won a Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys 2015 and a 2015 Family Choice Award.
More 2015 Award-Winning Magformers Sets
Click to view on Amazon:
30-piece Rainbow Set (Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys 2015)
XL Cruisers 30-piece Set (Dr. Toy’s Best Classic Toys 2015)
Magnets in Motion 61-piece Set (Toy Insider Top Toy 2015 & Family Choice Award 2015)
Safari 83-piece Set (Family Choice Award 2015)
Magnets in Motion 37-piece Set (Creative Child Award 2015)
In my opinion, which is backed up by my own kids and groups of parents and education experts who give out official awards, your kids are going to love Magformers. Whether they like to follow the step-by-step building instructions or just free build according to their own imagination, they will spend hours with their Magformers.
Learn more and shop at Magformers.
Leave a comment below, letting us know which Magformers Sets your child would love to own.