Over 16 million American children live in poverty. This means that in addition to being hungry, millions of children lack other basic items they need to thrive. Their families need our help. There is an awesome Champions For Kids program going on RIGHT NOW called #SIMPLEGiving Fall Kids’ Essentials. You can get involved TODAY by donating at your local Walmart.
Thank you to Champions For Kids for sponsoring this blog post on the #SIMPLEGiving service project. All opinions are my own.
More than 1400 Walmart stores across the nation will be accepting donations from October 14-28. See if your Walmart is on the list of participating Walmart locations. All donations will stay in the local community and be distributed through school districts nearest to each store.
How to participate.
Shop at Walmart. Pick up items such as kid-friendly personal care products and snacks. Place the items in donation bins at the front of the store.
I know we are all busy with our own families these days. But it will be easy for me to pick up some extra items next time I am shopping at Walmart. I love knowing that my donation will be given to help needy families in my area.
As an added incentive, Champions for Kids, General Mills and Unilever are awarding school districts in each participating Walmart division that collect the most donated items. Be sure to invite your family and friends to donate! **Donation period ends October 28**
General Mills and Unilever are sponsoring a SIMPLE Service project.
SIMPLE Service projects are Champions for Kids initiatives that create easy ways for people to give back to the children in their communities. Visit CFKHelpKidsThrive.org to learn more. Submit your SIMPLE Service Project for the chance to win one of several prizes totaling $10,000 here: http://championsforkids.org/simple-service2/simple-service-project-reporting-form. Finalists will be highlighted on the Champions for Kids Facebook page where voters can ‘like’ and ‘share’ their favorite stories.
For more information on the program, visit http://championsforkids.org/simplegiving
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