SodaStream has unearthed the 8th continent! It’s actually known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. A floating island of waste that’s twice the size of Texas – and growing bigger every day. The “Secret Continent” is an imaginary resort destination that represents this floating garbage island.
SodaStream is seeking to have the Secret Continent acknowledged as the world’s eighth continent by the international community. Everyone in the world can help out by signing this online petition that will be sent directly to global leaders. The petition urges them to publicly acknowledge ‘The Secret Continent’ and take proactive measures to change the way plastic is used and discarded. Plastic pollution will no longer be ignored.
The Secret Continent website is a whimsical way to spread a very serious message about the damaging effects of plastic pollution. Humans manufacture 1 billion plastic bottles per day and the Pacific garbage patch is made from just a portion of the 10 million tons of plastic pollution left behind each year. To date, scientists have documented the impact of marine plastic pollution on 663 different marine species, including all known species of sea turtles, half of all species of marine mammals, and one-fifth of all species of seabirds.
While you are at the Secret Continent website, be sure to watch the Captain Charles Moore on the seas of plastic video (it’s about 7 minutes long). He is the first man to explore the plastic continent and is working to raise awareness.
I had no idea about the floating garbage island (aka The Secret Continent) until the SodaStream #SecretContinent campaign. If I kept this information to myself and did not share it with you, I feel like I would be doing a disservice to the entire planet. I definitely feel compelled to try harder to reduce my plastic usage. I don’t want to contribute to the pollution of our oceans and the huge, devastating ripple effect it has on our environment.
SodaStream’s Global Brand Ambassador, Scarlett Johansson, has already signed the petition and is a huge supporter of this cause. “I am honored to be a part of a project that is powered by such noble intentions and goals. The Secret Continent inspires people to change the way they live. Products like SodaStream aid in the reduction of our carbon footprint, a feat that is vital to preserving the planet for our children.”
SodaStream has an ongoing mission to help consumers reduce their carbon footprint and prevent continued environmental damage in landfills. One SodaStream can save the average U.S. family up to 2,000 bottles and cans each year.
Learn more when you visit The Secret Continent website.
Help SodaStream name the continent and you could win prizes!
What would you name The Secret Continent? How can your family reduce plastic usage? Will you take SodaStream’s challenge and sign the petition to world leaders?