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I take hundreds of photos every month for my website and personal use at home and on social media. I am embarrassed to admit that up until recently, I had never used a “real” photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop Elements + Premier Elements 14 ($149.99, Best Buy). I’m still a bit intimidated to use it, but I know the only way to get past that is to get to know how it works. And the best way to do that, is to actually USE IT to edit my photos.
We all take tons of photos with our phones and/or cameras these days. When I’m taking pictures of my kids, the most important thing to me is to capture the moment. I can edit the photo later to fix issues like camera shake or hazy backgrounds. Adobe Photoshop Elements + Premiere Elements 14 make it easy for anyone to make their photos and videos look awesome with quick edits and artistic touches.
I don’t have to know how to use every Elements editing tool right away. I’m taking baby steps to becoming an expert photo editor. Luckily, Elements is geared towards beginners, who can start with the basic edits in “Quick View,” level up to the “Guided View,” and eventually graduate to the “Expert View.” The Guided View walks you through the photo editing process so you can wow everyone with the artistic touches on your photos and videos.
I’m a total failure at organizing photos. That’s another reason I am going to love using Elements. This software helps you quickly find and organize photos and videos by favorite people, or by searching where you were or what you were doing.The software also makes it easy to share photos and videos via disc or on Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and more. View them on 4K and HD TVs (new with Elements 14). Put a cool twist on your Facebook page with a custom cover photo.
One of the first photos I played around with is Adobe Photoshop Elements was a vacation photo. I cropped it a bit and enhanced the colors using the Quick View editing tools. Then, I used one of the artistic enhancements to turn the photo into a graphic pen drawing. There’s so much you can do using even the basic tools.
Before edits:
After a crop, simple edits and adding a thin black frame:
After applying the Graphic Pen filter:
I could edit this photo in thousands of different ways with Adobe Photoshop Elements. You get the idea, right? Do you have any photos and videos you would like to edit? Give it a try with Elements.
“Capture the moment now. Perfect the photo or video later. It’s easy with Elements.” Learn more when you visit Best Buy.