Mom Always Finds Out is working with Chick-fil-A to bring you this blog post. The sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment. All opinions expressed are my own. This is not a sponsored blog post.
About the Chick-fil-A Leadercast Broadcast Event:
Chick-fil-A Leadercast is a one-day leadership event broadcast LIVE from Atlanta, GA to hundreds of locations around the world on May 10, 2013. Strengthen your leadership by simplifying your life. SIMPLY LEAD.
Speakers for this event include: Condoleeza Rice (former Secretary of State), Jack Welch (former Chairman and CEO of General Electric), Andy Stanley (Best-selling leadership author and communicator) and many other experts, authors and athletes.
Check out the Chick-fil-A® Leadercast® Blog App below!
We are all born with the power to influence others. What type of leader are you? Take the quiz to see your personal Leadership Style. Learn 7 Tips To Lead Simply and find a broadcast location near you so you can watch the Chick-fil-A Leadercast on May 10, 2013.
Chick-fil-A Leadercast Giveaway (OVER) Details:
One winner from Mom Always Finds Out will receive a Chick-fil-A Leadercast Prize package that includes:
- 1 copy of John Maxwell’s book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth
- 1 Chick-fil-A Leadercast Exclusive Audio Download Card, which includes access to audio segments from past and present events
- 3 Chick-fil-A Digital offer cards for a free Chick-fil-A Sandwich Entrée of your choice
How To Enter To Win
You can earn up to three entries by leaving three separate comments on this blog post letting me know the following information:
Option #1: Post your results from the What’s Your Leadership Style Quiz (see the app below)
Option #2: Share your favorite or personal Lead Simply Tips (see the app below)
Option #3: Pin the app below on Pinterest and leave the link to your Pin in the comment. (Copy and paste the URL from your Pin)
The winning comment will be randomly selected by WordPress Plug-in “And the Winner Is.” This giveaway is open to USA entrants ages 18 and up. No PO Boxes, please. Giveaway ends April 27, 2013.
Amber says
Amber says
Lead Simply Tips: 1. Leaders are readers (definitely agree…I should read more) 2. Be Organized (very important) 3. Get up early (I should work on this one)
Amber says
I’m a collaborator
Ashley Morrow says
I am the doer.
Sunnie says
I like the tip to get up early.
Sunnie says
Mine was collaborator.
Sand says
I’m a visionary.
Ttrockwood says
I like the “protect your time” tip!
Ttrockwood says
I’m a doer
Emi says
I like the read a book a week tip. I read 5 to 7 books a week since we got rid of paid tv (and the free government issued tv does not work at all). I got fed up with micromanaging the cable tv provider so now we just get dvds (purchased and from the library) which is why we also read books for entertainment.
Emi says
I am a champion but I got 23/24 percent in the other 3 categories too.
natalie nichols says
i pinned it here
natalie nichols says
I like the get up early tip
natalie nichols says
I got “The Doer”
cassandra says
favorite tip: Be Organized. Be intentional about which areas of your life need a high level of organization. By the way, it’s okay if you want to leave the other areas a little messy 🙂
cassandra says
pin :
cassandra says
I am the collaborator!
Amy Tolley says
Amy Tolley says
learning to say no is important in life
Amy Tolley says
im a doer
Lisa P. says
I took the quiz and I got THE VISIONARY.
evans s says
evans s says
I like the get up early tip
evans s says
I’m a collaborator
Jessamine D. says
I pinned on Pinterest –
Jessamine D. says
I like the Learn to say “No” tip 🙂
Jessamine D. says
I am The Visionary 🙂
Mercedes says
I love the Protect Your Time tip. I…don’t do that. But I love it. 🙂
Mercedes says
I’m a champion!
Vanessa says
I’m a Champion! momlovesdeals at gmail dot com
Kellie Conklin says
My favorite tip is Learn to Say No. It’s so important to realize that in most cases you cannot do it all and that it is ok to say “no” when necessary. It’s still something I’m working on 🙂 Thanks!
Kellie Conklin says
I am The Champion! I thought the questions they asked were very interesting, thanks for the information and giveaway!
Erica C. says
I’m The Champion.
susan smoaks says
I took the quiz and found out that I am a doer!
Kathy H says
I’m a collaborator!
Kim says
I like the get up early tip.
Kim says
I’m a collaborator
Darlene Wright says
Link to pin on Pinterest :
Darlene Wright says
Link to pin on Pinterest
Darlene Wright says
Learning to say no is very important to leadership!
Darlene Wright says
I am the champion! Yes!
joseph gersch jr says
i am a doer
Nancy says
According to the quiz, I am a Doer.
Roxann says
Roxann says
My favorite tip is “Be Organized.”
Roxann says
I am the visionary.
Robin says
I’m a collaborator
Susan Smith says
I like the Be Organized and Get Up Early tips
Susan Smith says
Susan Smith says
I took the quiz & I’m a collaborator
Ebie says
The Visionary
Angela s says
My favorite tip is to get up early! I think this helps get a jump on the day to help get ready for the day.
Angela s says
I’m a doer.
tina reynolds says
i got the champion
Naomie says
Naomie says
Protect your time is my favorite tip
Naomie says
I’m “The Doer”
Ashley Morrissey says
I like the Get Up Early tip!!
Ashley Morrissey says
I’m the Visionary!
Danielle Porter says
Learn to say no. such a simple tip but so hard to do!
Danielle Porter says
Claire says
i got visionary.
Stephanie Larison says
I’m a visionary
Valerie Taylor Mabrey says
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Roxanne says
I was a Visionary: Your followers believe they can achieve whatever you ask of them since you naturally adapt and adjust before finally arriving at decisions. No rose colored glasses here, you accurately discern what’s actually achievable given the capacity and limitations of others. That sounds accurate of me.
Denise S says
Getting up early is the best tip. I do that one!
Ani says
Apparently, I’m “the Champion”, awesome!
dani marie says
i am the doer.
Tomi says
I’m a champion.
Elisabeth says
I’m a visionary!
Alicia K says
pinned on pinterest
Alicia K says
learning to say “no” is REALLY important
Alicia K says
i am the champion!
Jessica Peeling says
I’m a collaborator 🙂
Stacy L. says
I really like the ‘Learn to say no’ tip. That one is really hard for me but very necessary. If you spread yourself too thin, you can’t be an effective leader!
Stacy L. says
I took the quiz & I’m a collaborator!
Michelle F. says
I got collaborator
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I’m a Do-er!
Jill A. Collins says
I pinnned this on Pinterest:
Jill A. Collins says
I like several of the leadership tips, but one I’ve always practiced is Spend Time Alone. It’s something I absolutely must have for myself.
Jill A. Collins says
I took the quiz and I am THE VISIONARY.
Robin O says
I pinned the app!
Robin O says
My favorite tips are “Get up Early” and “Be Organized”!
Robin O says
The quiz said I am “The Champion”!
Megan Cromes says
im a visionary.
Ken Ohl says
I’m a doer. thankyou, ken
Janet W. says
Pinned app – Janet Watson
Janet W. says
My favorite tip is “Protect Your Time”.
Janet W. says
I took the quiz and got “The Doer”.
Emmy says
I am The Collaborator:) “Rather than dictating or commanding, you facilitate a collaborative environment where the best ideas rise to the top. You inspire others to take ownership of the course of action by building consensus. People follow you because they trust you.” Sounds just like me:) This is so awesome THANK YOU SO SO SOOO VERY MUCH:D!!!!!
natalie nichols says
natalie nichols says
I also think that the “get up early” tip is the best. We get up at 5:30 on saturdays and get SO much done that we can relax on sunday. It is much better than before, when we slept until 8 or 9
natalie nichols says
I’m a doer!
Samantha D says
The ‘Get up Early” tip is the best! I always get more done when I’m up early – just gets your blood movin!
Samantha D
dull2000 at cox dot net
Samantha D says
I’m a collaborator
Samantha D
dull2000 at cox dot net