Day 9:
July 10 marks our 9th day of taking Culturelle KIDS! probiotics as part of the 14 day Tummy Truths Challenge. I have three children who take the probiotics and we have had a great experience with this brand, which happens to be the #1 Pediatrician Recommended brand of probiotics. My 8-year-old son takes the KIDS chewables (for children 50-100 lbs.) and my 2 and 4-year-olds take the KIDS packets (for children 25-50 lbs.). There have been NO complaints about taste (the chewables are berry-flavored and “taste good” according to my son; the packets are tasteless so my kids don’t even know they are taking anything.)
Why do I give my children probiotics? The main reason is because I believe that probiotics are one of the best ways to keep children healthy. The good bacteria in Culturelle KIDS probiotics (Lactobacillus GG) has been proven to boost digestive health and support children’s immune system.
A healthy digestive system is crucial for overall health. Supporting my children’s natural defenses is important, especially as we gear up for a new school year. I want my kids to have every advantage they can to be strong enough to fight off the germ bugs they will encounter at school and in their after school activities.
Luke is very excited about starting Kindergarten this fall. We just went to the school today to register him, so this short video talks about how he drinks his probiotics to be strong for school to fight off germs and illnesses.
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