My mom has sent me the links to several different blog tutorials about how to grow your own Easter basket grass for the past two Easters. She must really want me to do this with my kids — I think I finally got the hint this time! She has actually done this activity a few times and says it is very easy – no green thumb required.
I want to share this tutorial on How to Grow Your Own Easter Basket Grass (from seed) that I found on How Does She because it includes such great step-by-step instructions and lots of helpful pictures. Isn’t her basket (pictured above) adorable?
I love this idea because real green grass is so much prettier than the fake plastic stuff (that I never use anyway). Plus, it’s way more eco-friendly! I better run — I’ve got to get our Easter basket grass seed started ASAP because the grass seed takes about 6-12 days to get going and I’m running behind on Easter preparations.
Have you ever tried to grow your own Easter basket grass? What special Easter traditions will you be doing with your family this year?