I love finding cute, simple ideas to use for family Easter traditions. This year, I am going to amaze my children with this Magic Jelly Beans and Lollipop Garden from Beauty and Bedlam.
“Plant” your magic jelly beans and the next morning, surprise! A lollipop garden has grown! Be sure to visit Beauty and Bedlam for all the details and great photos to show you exactly how this works.
Clarissa says
We have been doing this in our family for years, but safely and all-inclusinve that doesn’t involve dirt or ants! Check out link withheld for a family tradition even when they get older, because the element of surprise is always there and they never know what their little magical garden might grow 😉
Traxis says
Is this really true? 🙂 It sounds so exciting have a garden of lollipop plants..
Katherine says
What a SUPER cute idea! I am totally doing this!