As part of my 2011 goal to live a greener lifestyle, I am researching to find out about natural household cleaners. My search lead me to, an online store that sells natural products, and Soap Nuts in particular (in case you hadn’t guessed that from their website name).
There is a lot of helpful information about Soap Nuts on their site, here is a quick rundown on the initial questions I had about Soap Nuts and what I learned.
What are Soap Nuts?
Soap Nuts are not nuts, they are actually berries that grow on trees in India and Nepal. They contain saponin, a natural detergent.
Where can I use Soap Nuts in my home?
Just about anywhere! Soap Nuts are an excellent choice for laundry and other household cleaning including floors and counters. You can even use them to make shampoo for yourself and your pets!
Can people with sensitive skin use Soap Nuts?
Yes! Soap Nuts are 100% non-allergenic and safe for people with sensitive skin, including babies. They are fragrance-free, chemical-free, and dye-free.
Will these work on cloth diapers?
I have to admit, washing cloth diapers with their odors and stains is something I am very particular about, and a bit skeptical! There is only one way to find out, though, and that is to try Soap Nuts for myself.
Would you like a chance to try Soap Nuts yourself for free? I found a giveaway currently going on at Copper Llama Studios. The giveaway ends on 2/1, so head on over and enter!
If you are interested in learning more about Soap Nuts, please visit them at I found a wealth of articles and information there, including interesting facts such as Soap Nuts don’t need a final rinse in your washing machine, saving gallons of water every time you wash.