I participated in an Influencer Activation Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for BGCA. I received a promotional itemto thank me for my participation.#CyberSafe #CyberTribe #MC #sponsored
Cyber Smart Parents do things like talk about online safety with their children on a regular basis, are friends with their child on social networks, and feel like they know enough about social media to keep up with their child’s internet behavior. Take the CyberSafe quiz and see how you do.
Cyber Smart Parents are raising Cyber Smart Kids. The Boys and Girls Clubs of America support Internet Safety Awareness with their Cyber Safe Futures Initiative. Their site offers helpful resources for parents and teens.
I think it is really awesome that the BGCA has partnered with Sprint and created a CyberTribe that allow teens from all over the country to educate others about staying safe online. You can meet the CyberTribe online and even ask them questions! Everyone who submits a question is entered to win an iPad Mini and $500 to the Boys and Girls Club of their choice.
You can see the questions other people have submitted and the CyberTribe’s answers to those questions. Learn how to deal with the issues facing kids online like cyber-bullying, mobile device safety, online privacy and sharing personal data on social networks.
One parent asked, “What are some of the most popular social networks my teen may be on and do I need to monitor these?”
I think that is a great question. There are many social networks out there, and this parent is taking steps to become a Cyber Safe parent by finding out the places their teen may be so they can follow their online activity. You can read the answer to this question and many more at the BGCA CyberSafe Site.
Take advantage of these resources to help you keep your child safe in cyberspace. Don’t forget to submit your own question to the CyberTribe for your chance to win the iPad Mini and $500 giveaway.
Birdiebee says
What a great place to ask questions about internet safety awareness. I am impressed that there is such a sight to help individuals.
Tammy S says
Thank you for sharing this with us. I do worry about what my kids post online and what their friends send them. They don’t seem to realize once it’s on the web it’s there forever.
Dawn Frye says
My son is 11. His friends get to watch and play games and movies I disapprove of. He always trys to get me to let him do the same but i won’t. How can I get him to understand i am doing what I feel is right not to be mean but because i love him and its my job?
Nicole says
Great question, Dawn! My son is about the same age as yours and we face the same issues. Please submit your question to the CyberTribe here at this link: http://www.bgca.org/cybersafe/Pages/ask-cybertribe.aspx