Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Saban Julius via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Saban Julius.
On Sunday, my preschooler and I sat down for the series premiere of Julius Jr. on Nick Jr. This new show is based on the Paul Frank characters your kids are going to love getting to know! My son loves all animals – especially monkeys – so I knew he would enjoy watching Julius Jr.
Julius Jr. stars as a lovable monkey, who along with his best friends Worry Bear, Sheree, Clancy, and Ping, enjoy magical adventures in every episode. We watched the first show called “Butterfly Dreams.” Julius Jr. and friends help a millipede who dreams of flying like a butterfly.
I really like how Julius Jr. is an inventor who is always coming up with creative ideas. His catch phrase, “The best inventions are the ones that help your friends,” is a great example of how the show helps teach preschoolers to use their imaginations and how to interact with others.
Q. What was your favorite part of the show? The butterfly.
Q. What did you like about the butterfly? A. When they were all flying. (Julius Jr.’s invention helps the millipede fly like a butterfly and all the friends take a fun flight on the millipede.)
Q. What else did you like? A. The monkey found the toy behind the couch. (Worry Bear is sad when he loses his cuddle toy and the friends invent something to help him.)
Q. Do you want to watch Julius Jr. again? A. YES!
Q. Did you like Julius Jr.? A. YES!
Parents can go on to Nick Jr.’s website to find lots of fun Julius Jr activity pages, crafts and more. Get a free 7-page Julius Jr. Activity Pack!
Watch new episodes of Julius Jr. every Sunday at 11am/10c on Nick Jr.
Julius Jr. is a funky monkey with a penchant for invention. Together with his best pals, Worry Bear, Sheree, Clancy, and Ping, they build a playhouse out of a simple cardboard box, but when they step inside, to their surprise and delight, they discover a magical playroom where ordinary objects come to life and fantastic adventures are just a door away! Julius Jr. and his best pals are coming to Nick Jr. Sundays at 11am/10c starting September 29.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I recorded this show for my son and he loves it. He asked to watch it several times.
Nicole says
Oh good! My son was asking to watch it again, too. The new one will come on this Sunday, I’ll have to record it. Thanks for letting me know. I’m glad he liked it.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
Your son really enjoyed the show and I like how the monkey invents and takew care of his friends.
Vanessa Coker says
This sounds like a fun show. My son is always getting hooked on new shows every so often, I am already tired of the current “it” TV program LOL So… we’ll be checking this out 🙂