Why do I feel like I lost half a night’s sleep from the Daylight Savings Time Change, not just a mere hour? I hope my kids will sleep in tomorrow morning, but I doubt they will. They are more accurate than a rooster at waking up at the crack of dawn. 🙂
In any case, it is time for me to link up with some fun Monday blog hops! I find great new blogs to follow every time…and I hope if you are here visiting, you will want to follow my blog as well. Please leave a comment and let me know where to find you so I can follow back.
I would love for you to Like me on Facebook as well! I always follow back, and please get on to me if I don’t — sometimes posts get buried or hidden from me.
Have a happy Monday and great week!

KerrieLynn Worthington says
Hi, I found you on “The Middle Matters” blog hop and I am following you (networked blogs and facebook) now! If you are able, I would love a follow back. Thank you!
~KerrieLynn ღೋ☙❤
KLs Cupboard Blog
KLs Cupboard on Facebook
Aimee Ransom says
Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I’m following you back! Have a great week ~
Aimee @
LLL with Leslie says
Thanks for the follow. I am now following you back 🙂
Saved By Love Creations says
Hi! I am stopping by from Monday’s hops. I am a new follower. Great blog. Blessings…
Saved By Love Creations
Amy says
Found you on the Blog Hop!