Disclaimer: This is an entry to the Proud Mom contest, I’m in the running to win $50! Sponsored by UPrinting event ticket printing services!
Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that one day I would be the mother to an all-boy family. I have always loved pink, flowers, makeup, smelly lotions, skirts and dresses, pretty much all the typico
al girly things — so of course, I assumed that at least one of my future children would be a GIRL. Four boy babies later, I have come to the somewhat surprising realization that I am the only girl in a house full of boys — and that is how it will always be. I am a proud mother of sons.
“Little boys love their mamas,” is a phrase I hear often from strangers and friends alike. And happily, I have found it to be true. Little boys do love their mamas, and I can feel their protective love around me each time their little arms hug me, which is quite often. I am proud of my sons for being affectionate and loving to their mama.
A mother of all boys and no girls has it easy in a lot of ways if you think about it: I know anything pink in the laundry basket belongs to me, no one criticizes if my boys’ hair isn’t perfectly combed, people aren’t shocked to see a little boy with dirt on their faces or clothes, and I will never have to worry about matching hair bows to outfits. My boys love to play in the dirt, cry when it’s time to wash the dirt off in the bath, throw fits when I need to comb their hair, and insist upon wearing their same favorite T-shirts every day – clean or not. I am a proud mother of sons who make my life easier in simple, unexpected ways.
Nothing makes me prouder of my boys than to see and hear them express their brotherly love for each other. When I chance to overhear one say to the other, “You’re my best buddy,” or watch the older boys make sure the younger ones get down the slide safely at the playground, it brings joy to my heart to know my children care for each other. I am the proud mother of sons.
Many people look at me, surrounded by my boys, and are quick to express how they feel sorry for me and the hard “trial” it must be for me to raise so many boys. I am just as quick to set the record straight: I wouldn’t have it any other way. Raising boys ensures my life is full of love, affection, playful energy, and the frequent opportunities to realize that a little dirt and uncombed hair never hurt anyone. I am the proud mother of sons.
Veronica L. says
I love this, thank you! I am a proud mom to three boys soon to be four boys this Sept. and you know what, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I know exactly how you feel when you say that I don’t have to worry about matching shoes/bows/etc. to dresses 🙂
Stephanie Phelps says
I am the very proud mother of four sons. I love each and every one of them! They are so special. I was raised with 3 brothers and no sisters so no surprise for me to have four sons. I have 2 in the Marines now and the 3rd is just a few weeks from graduating high school. My youngest is still in school for one more year and the closier it gets to him flying the coupe I realize just had good I have it. I miss their little hands on my cheeks and them saying “I Wuv you Momma”. Now it has changed from little hands to their big old arms plopping on top of my head and saying “Mom I love you”. LOL
When my 2 oldest went into Marine boot camp and they would write letters home not once was it address to their Dad ha,ha only to me. Not that I think they were trying to leave Dad out by no means but it was Mom they wrote to. Raising four boys has its down sides too though! When they get married they will still love their momma but the wife is close to her family as well and that is were they will spend the majority of their time. 🙁 So I am enjoying now what I may not get later. I now that my boys will always love me and I hold that true and dear to my heart. Raising boys is most certainly a very special time for any Mother!
Sorry I did not mean to make this into a book but when it comes to my boys I could talk all day. 🙂
Nikki says
I’m only raising one little boy (he’s my only child), but I can tell you that I love being a mom to a boy, and at this point I wouldn’t even know what to do with a little girl!
amy says
youre an amazing mom and have THE cutest boys!! and yes you are lucky that you can get away with dirty faces and imperfect hair… i am crazy about my girls hair being perfect and bows being, which they never are. kids are truly a blessing!