Thank you to GoodNites® for sponsoring this discussion about nighttime bedwetting protection. Does your child wet the bed? They are not alone. According to the GoodNites® study, 1 in 6 children between the ages of 4 and 12 suffer from nocturnal enuresis, more commonly known as bedwetting. This is a fairly common condition that children cannot control or be trained out of. In the meantime, kids who wet the bed may experience anxiety, ...
Expert Tips for Helping You Deal with Bedwetting When You Travel
Bedwetting can be a frustrating problem no matter what time of year. But as we head into spring and summer travel season, many parents face extra stress due to traveling with a child who wets the bed. Nighttime routines are usually different and children may feel uncomfortable sleeping in a strange bed, which can lead to bedwetting. Experts agree that it is important to reassure your child while traveling that everything will be okay, no matter ...
Pottytraining Helps: Disposable Bed Mats For Nighttime Protection Against Bedwetting #HuggiesWalmart #CBias
Potty training and nighttime training can be challenging times for kids and moms. Bedwetting is a common problem. The new Huggies GoodNites Disposable Bed Mats are a simple solution that can help ease the frustrations that wet sheets can cause both children and parents. My 3-year-old has recently started potty training. There have been several night where he wakes up completely soaked in his sheets and is upset and crying. Children who wet ...