My little Mickey Mouse fan wanted a Mickey Mouse themed birthday party, so you know what that means: a Mickey Mouse cake! I enjoy making my kids' birthday cakes at home, but these character cakes can be hard! Enter Wilton cake pans...I love them. They make character cakes so much easier to create. Last year, I used the Wilton Cars Cake Pan to make a Lightning McQueen cake. It turned out so well that I bought the Mickey Mouse ...
Birthday Party
Let The Birthday Party Planning Begin
It’s about to be birthday season at our house. As we head into the last half of the year, every other month brings a birthday. And that means party planning time! I am proud of myself for being on the ball for my son’s upcoming August birthday. I have bought presents, ordered all the things I need to make the special cake, and am currently in the process of creating personalized birthday invitations. Planning birthday parties for my ...