Is your sweetheart geeky for gadgets? Surprise him or her with a good Valentine's Day gift in colorful red or pink. I have rounded up a list of six awesome tech gadget gift ideas under $60! Your love for your Valentine will never die - and neither will your Valentine's smartphone battery with a little help from a mophie powerstation mini (PINK). This ultra portable charging station lets you charge anytime, anywhere - no outlet ...
Tech Gifts
Cool Tech Gift Idea Under $50 | SanDisk Connect Wireless Flash Drive
I take a ton of pictures with my smartphone. Hundreds per month. You probably do, too. So you know just how fast snapping all those photos adds up. That doesn't bother me one bit. The thing that bugs me is that surprising moment when I'm in the middle of taking some awesome pictures of the kids or the scenery, and suddenly this little box appears on screen: That little Memory Card Full box popping up is like hitting a brick wall. There's ...