Mom Always Finds Out received Fitflop products for my honest Fitflop shoes review. All opinions expressed are my own. Are your shoes using the latest technology to give you the support you need? Mine are -- now that I wear Fitflops. All Fitflop styles are ergonomically designed so they are extremely comfortable to wear. Another added benefit is that they actually tone your muscles as you walk! To be honest, my biggest surprise ...
Fun Baby Facts ~ Infographic
New parents can sometimes feel out of their depth! There is so much to remember and learn when it comes to looking after a child and many people can find it daunting. Parents with a couple of children will tell you that they 'learnt on the job' with their first and this is the best way to do it. You will never have all the answers and a new appreciation for your own parents will spring up within you. Sometimes we can take ourselves a little to ...