There are so many different web hosting companies available to choose from that it can be difficult to figure out which one is right for your personal needs. Let take the guesswork out of finding a web host. They have done the research for you through comparing and testing hundreds of web hosting companies in order to compile their independent top ten list of the most trusted and reliable web hosting providers.
You can view their Official Top Ten Website Hosting 2011 by clicking HERE. Did your current web host make the final cut? How does your current service compare to the best of the best on this list?
The Top Ten list ranks the web host companies along with their monthly prices, refund policy (in days), the year the company was founded, and a rating from 1-5 stars.
What makes the list so reliable? According to their website, theirs is a truly independent list. No one is making an affiliate commission or getting paid to give a fake 5 star review.
Do you have questions about web hosting? Visit their Frequently Asked Questions page to learn the answers to questions ranging from What Exactly Is Web Hosting to What Are Domain Name Registrars.