Getting the kids up, dressed, and out the door on time for school can be a stressful business. The good news is that there are ways to help reduce the morning chaos. Check out these time saving tips for busy school mornings:
Get a good night’s sleep. Tired kids don’t want to get out of bed on time and that gets the whole morning routine off to a late start.
Pack lunches at night so they are ready to grab and go in the morning.
Select and lay out school clothes each night before bedtime. Don’t forget clean underwear, socks and shoes!
Make sure your student has completed their homework and studied for any test they have the next day to avoid a morning panic.
Pack backpacks and set them by the door at night so there’s no rush to find lost homework papers and books in the morning. Be sure to sign any permission slips and forms that need to return to school with your student.
Have your child take a bath or shower at night. It’s one less thing they will have to do in the morning. *Some kids may need a morning shower to help them wake up and get going.
Keep quick, easy and nutritious breakfast foods on hand. Suggestions: Yogurt, Granola, Fruit, Milk.
Do not turn on the TV or computer in the morning. They can distract everyone from staying on task and cause you to be late for school.
How does your family handle the hectic morning rush to get out the door on time? Please feel free to share your tips to save time in the morning with us in the comments below.