Mom Always Finds Out received Good Cook products in exchange for honest review. All opinions expressed are my own, based on personal experiences with the products.
Fresh berries scream summer to me! And there’s nothing like cooling down with a refreshing melon salad on a hot day. I think you will enjoy this simple recipe for a Triple Berry Melon Salad that’s almost too pretty to eat and is oh, so easy to prepare. Best of all, there’s no cooking required – a bonus when you are trying to keep the kitchen cool.
If your kids are like mine, they take 2 bites out of a banana and leave the rest. Don’t toss out the uneaten banana! Get a Banana Keeper. Pretty much any type of fruit or vegetable you can think of will fit into a keeper. The Asparagus Keeper has been known to house cucumbers for me. The Tomato Keeper, Green Pepper Keeper and Grapefruit Keeper can hold the whole fruit or keep it fresh even after it is sliced.
I have had the chance to try the entire line of new Good Cook Produce Keepers, and find they definitely keep my produce fresher than a plastic storage bag and especially better than leaving the produce on its on. Try the keepers for yourself and see the difference!
Reasons I Love Good Cook Produce Keepers (and know you will, too):
I’ll start with the obvious. Take a look at the picture. Could these colorful produce keepers BE ANY CUTER? The Lemon Keeper looks like a lemon, the Green Pepper keeper looks like a green pepper, the Tomato Keeper looks like a tomato…and, well, you get the idea!
Refrigerators stay organized with produce keepers. The keepers make it easy to find the fruit or vegetables you are looking for in the refrigerator. No more digging around in a mess of plastic baggies or storage containers.
Produce Keepers actually work to keep fruits and vegetables fresher, longer. This helps save money because you don’t have to re-buy food that spoiled before you had the chance to use it. It also helps keep food waste to a minimum.
The Produce Keepers not only prevent spoilage, they also prevent smells from escaping into your refrigerator.
Could Good Cook Produce Keepers be useful in your kitchen? They are in mine! You may see them at your local grocery store, and you can always order them online at Good Cook. Save 25% off produce keepers as well as your entire order when you buy online and use Promo Code KEEPERS. And you will receive a special online-only BONUS GIFT: A Banana Keeper FREE with your order.
Georgia Beckman says
Although they have the PIN button on each of the items, I could not get them to pin from their website. The photo keeps coming up blank. I pinned this pic from your giveaway & I hope that will work. Because they’re ALL my favorite!