Which lotion is best for dry skin? I turn into a lizard if I don’t keep my skin hydrated with the right skin care products. Selecting those products can be overwhelming as I stand there in the lotion aisle, surrounded by literally hundreds of bottles of lotions wondering which one to choose. You know what I’m talking about; I bet you have been there, too. Have you ever wished you had an expert to help you know which products are the best for your skin concerns?
Eucerin wants to help! You can get a personalized skin care recommendation from Eucerin Skin First Dermatologists when you visit the Skin Solutions Skindicator App. Take a short quiz and find out which skin care products are right for you.
Do you have a skin care concern? Ask their expert dermatologists by submitting your skin concern online, right there in the app. You will have your answer within a week.
community.mercubuana.ac.id says
Mix all ingredients into a paste and apply on the Face.
This also creates a barrier in which any amount of face cream slathered can never penetrate.
Dry skin is not fun, and with the cold weather months coming I am not excited for dealing with tight and dehydrated skin.
Michelle says
I have very dry, sensitive skin – this is the only cream I use!
Julie Wood says
I use Eucerin skin cream for my hands and feet. It is the only cream that keeps my hands from drying out. I love the lotion on my face, it works so well. Any of the products are great to have.