Even the best moms can have bad mommy days. A day that instead of waking up to the sounds of birds chirping, you're awakened by the sounds of a screaming child. A day where you run errands and see everyone you know in town, then see a mirror and realize you haven't done your hair or makeup. A day where you feel fat even in your favorite yoga pants. A day where you feel like if you have to change one more stinky diaper, your head is going to ...
15 Lovely Quotes About Sisters
It's time to celebrate your sister! Sisters Day is coming up on August 4. I am the big sister in my family, so of course that means I was practically perfect in every way growing up. Okay, so I could be a little bossy sometimes. But I only had my little brother and sisters' best interests at heart (at least most of the time). Do you have a sister? Take a look at these lovely quotes about sisters. Share your favorites with your ...
Mom Quotes: Home is Where…
Even though I am an adult, a mother with my own family, and my mom lives thousands of miles away from me...Whenever I think of "home," the first thought that comes to mind is my mother. The following quote about Moms says it all for me. Do you have a quote that makes you think of your mother? What is your favorite Mom Quote? Feel free to share it in the comments. ...
Quotes About Moms: A Mom’s Hug
I love finding quotes about moms that make me smile. This one popped up recently so I thought I would share it with you here. Do you have a favorite quote or saying about moms? Feel free to share it in the comments section. See more of my favorite quotes at my Pinterest Quotes board. ...
Mom Quote: Always Kiss Your Children Goodnight
Mom Quote ~ Raising Kids is a Religious Experience (Humor)
Some days this quote applies more than others - just remember to hang in there! It's worth it! ...
Mom Quote ~ For All My Fellow Mamas of Boys
Amen to whoever came up with this one! ...
Mom Quote Monday ~ The Joys of Motherhood
Mom Quote Monday ~ There is no way to be a perfect mother…