If you've got any teen boys living at your house, you know that they can eat a lot. It seems like my almost 13-year-old son is hungry from the time he wakes up in the morning to the moment his head hits the pillow at night. It's practically a full-time job for me to keep groceries in our house. I hear from other parents of teenage boys that this is totally normal. Active teen boys are growing and their bodies need a lot of fuel. My son lives ...
Mom Quote ~ Raising Kids is a Religious Experience (Humor)
Some days this quote applies more than others - just remember to hang in there! It's worth it! ...
All Children Can Be Great Listeners ~ #Free Must Read eBook
When I saw a book titled All Children Can Be Great Listeners, I couldn't wait to download it. This must-read ebook is packed with great, easy-to-understand information that tells parents how to help their child become a better listener. There are 3 simple steps that will help your child IMMEDIATELY improve their listening skills. Plus, there are 12 activities and 20 worksheets to help your child practice listening skills. I plan to start ...