A few days ago, I wrote about how much I enjoy using my new Easy Lunchboxes set to pack my son’s lunch in an eco-friendly way. In case you missed that post, you can see my review by CLICKING HERE. And to answer any more questions you may have, click here to visit EasyLunchboxes.com.
Shortly after I posted my Easy Lunchboxes review, I learned that Kelly Lester (founder and CEO of EasyLunchboxes.com) has created a new web series called “Let’s Do Lunch!” to market her lunchboxes. Her first celebrity guest was Barry Williams — you know, GREG BRADY from The Brady Bunch! It is fun, cute, musical, and all about LUNCH!
You can view the webisode for yourself:
After you’ve checked out the video and/or EasyLunchboxes.com site, come back here and Enter To Win a Gift Code for 50% off your order at EasyLunchboxes.com. That means you can purchase entire Easy Lunchboxes Container Sets (includes 4 containers) along with a Cooler bag for only $10.95! Or purchased separately, the Container Sets (includes 4 containers) for less than $6.50 each. Cooler Bags would be less than $4 each!
To Enter: Please leave a comment including your email address letting me know if you visited EasyLunchboxes.com and/or what you thought about the video.
And that’s it!
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Giveaway ends Sunday, February 13, at Midnight (PST). TWO WINNERS will be announced MONDAY 2/14!
Disclaimer: This post contains an affiliate link.
Rachel S. says
Like you on FB, Rachel Raeann……!!
Rachel S. says
Watched the video, it was cute! Like going back to the Brady Bunch era! BTW I love your recipe for the yogurt!
Jennifer C. says
NB follow *Jennifer C.*
Jennifer C. says
Like Lunchboxes on FB *Jennifer C.*
Jennifer C. says
Like you on FB *Jennifer C.*
Jennifer C. says
Follow Lunchboxes on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*
Jennifer C. says
Follow you on Twitter *DNatrlBeauty*
Jennifer C. says
GFC follow *heavensent1*
Jennifer C. says
Jennifer C. says
Stopped on by the web site and I thought the video was informative and made me want a couple for my wee folks…heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
Cori Westphal says
I like Easy Lunch Boxes on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal says
I like you on FB: Cori Eckstrom Westphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal says
I follow Easy Lunch Boxes on Twitter @coriwestphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal says
I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal says
I’m a Google Friend (follower): Cori Westphal
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal says
I checked them out and I LOVE it! I’m so sick of using so many different containers or baggies for my kids lunches. This would be a huge money saver for me!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Racing and Saving Mama says
Hey, Liked Easy Lunchboxes on Facebook under the name Racing and Saving Mama. Thanks!
Racing and Saving Mama says
Liked you on facebook under the name Racing and Saving Mama. racingandsavingmama at gmail dot com
Racing and Saving Mama says
I’m following you on network blogs under the name Kristina E. Thanks racingandsavingmama at gmail dot com
Racing and Saving Mama says
Hey, I visited Easy Lunches website. That really looks like a neat product. Perfect for kids who like to keep things separate. racingandsavingmama at gmail dot com
Cassie says
follow EL via Twitter (almostcrazylady) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
Like EL on FB (Cassie DOw) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
following you via NB (Cassie DOw) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
like you on fb (Cassie Dow) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
follow you via Twitter (almostcrazylady)almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcomalmostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
follow you via GFC (Cassie Dow) almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
Cassie says
I visited the site and really want to get one of their 4pk containers! almostcrazycouponladyatgmaildotcom
sos says
I went to their site and love the fact that they are easy to use and bpa free
tess says
i follow you gfc
tcogbill at live dot com
tess says
i like the light blue cooler and i love the divided slots for the tupperware.
tcogbill at live dot com
Tiffany Seale says
following via networked blogs
Tiffany Seale says
facebook fan of easy lunchboxes
Tiffany Seale says
facebook fan of mom always finds out
Tiffany Seale says
following easylunchboxes on twitter
Tiffany Seale says
following you on twitter
Tiffany Seale says
following thru GFC from Aurora Babies and Tiffany S
Tiffany Seale says
visited website! If I don’t win this, I will more than likely be making a purchase anyway!!
katie s says
I like easylunchboxes on fb!
katie s says
I followed via GFC!
katie s says
I visited their site – these lunchboxes are Awesome!!
Marci @ The White Whimsies says
Visited their site. The video is really cute!
Thanks for following!
Heidi says
You have a great site, new follower. Please follow back!
Natalie says
I went to easylunchboxes.com and I love them! I’d love to have several for our school lunches! Thanks for the giveaway!!