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Two important deadlines are coming up fast. April 15 is Tax Day and open enrollment for health insurance ends in just a few weeks. Do you want to know how a Health Savings Account (HSA) can help you save money on taxes and gain better control over health care spending? I know I don’t totally understand HSAs…but I found an online resource that explains how Health Savings Accounts work and the triple tax advantages they offer. provides consumers like you and me with interactive tools to estimate potential savings before deciding if an Health Savings Account might be the best choice for our family’s budget and health care needs. It’s a helpful source of straightforward information for Americans looking for ways to save on health insurance, control health care spending, and reduce taxes.
I visited to learn about the basics, like: What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)? I have heard of HSAs and sort of know the concept, but my family has never had one before. I love the easy to understand information I found:
Once I had a basic understanding of how an HSA worked, I was ready to see if a Health Savings Account could help me save money. has a Plan Comparison tool that let me type in information from our current health care plan and compare it with a Health Savings Account. It is easy to do. Simply type in the numbers. The tool calculates everything for you to show how your current health care plan compares with an HSA.
There are many different benefits of a Health Savings Account. I especially like that HSAs save money because they can be used to meet your deductible, are tax deductible off of gross income and they are NEVER taxed when used for qualified medical expenses. An HSA rolls over year after year, so I don’t lose that money if I don’t use it.
Learn more and Visit today to find out if a Health Savings Account is right for you.
Are you looking for a health plan? Have you thought about how a Health Savings Account can save you money?
Allison B says
We enrolled this year and I can’t believe it took us this long to do it.
Jennifer Medeiros says
This post could not have come at a better time! This is such an important subject but can be so confusing to many people trying to decide what to do with this area of their life.
Shannon Gosney says
This is interesting information. I hadn’t heard of an HSA Center before. Thanks for sharing.
mel says
I need to look into opening an account. My taxes were so high this year!
Kelly Hutchinson says
What a great tool for anyone who needs advice or guidance in this area.
valmg @ Mom Knows It All says
As a former medical biller I can’t even tell you how many times people thought an HSA was insurance. You did a nice job explaining this.
Nicole says
Thanks, Valerie! I understood how an HSA worked so much better after reading the HSA Center website. I’m so glad that I could pass that information on in a blog post in a way that makes sense, and appreciate you telling me I did because sometimes I wonder if I explained things correctly. 🙂 -Nicole