This is a sponsored post brought to you by State Farm. All opinions expressed are 100% my own.
Last Memorial Day weekend, one of the kids came upstairs to tell us that the carpet downstairs was “squishy.” My husband and I immediately went down to see what was going on. And what we found was not good. The carpet was squishy in a large portion of the living room and the squishy was quickly spreading to other areas.
Of course, I began to panic. WHERE was this water coming from and how do we get it to stop? I have heard of other people having flooded basements before, but never thought I would become one of the crowd.
My husband found the source of the water – it was coming up through a drain in the utility closet. Something was clogging up the pipes and causing a waste water backup. Yes, waste water. Gross. Several inches deep.
We quickly put a ban on all toilet usage and definitely all toilet flushing. I turned off the dishwasher and the washing machine – those were the immediate cause of the gallons of water coming back up through the drain in the utility room and soaking the carpets.
Once we got that under control, it was time to get rid of the standing water in the utility room. My husband and I formed our own Shop Vac bucket brigade and worked furiously for at least half an hour, running buckets of sucked up water and dumping them in the bathtub down the hall. We were getting tired – and it seemed like our efforts to get rid of the water were doing NOTHING. The water just kept coming up through the drain. We couldn’t figure out what was going on and were just barely keeping up.
As I was running the umpteenth bucket of water down the hall to dump it, my mind was frantically trying to figure out what we should do. It seemed like as soon as I dumped a bucket of water down into the tub, another bucket’s worth of water would start pouring up from the utility room drain…
That was it! I was a genius and a complete moron at the same time. Every time I dumped a bucket of water into the bathtub, it had nowhere to escape so of course it would have to come back up through the drain. My husband and I had been furiously working to dump out the same buckets of water for almost an hour. I felt smart for figuring this out, yet stupid for not realizing it in the first place. We had been playing out our very own real life comedy of errors.
I told my husband my little theory and we immediately began dumping the water directly outside. And whaddaya know, no more water came back up through the utility room drain.
The situation seemed to be under control for the moment. But we knew we had a MAJOR plumbing issue. We also knew whatever that issue was, there was no way we could figure it out by ourselves. We needed help. It was time to call an expert.
Of course this type of crisis would occur on a holiday. I was really afraid I would not be able to get ahold of a professional. And even if we did get someone to come out – how much were the repairs going to cost? Not to mention the damages to our home. Our carpets and baseboards were probably ruined in the flooded areas.
Times like these are why it is so important to have reliable Homeowner’s Insurance coverage.
We were very lucky and found a repairman on the way to save the day within a few minutes. I was so impressed that the guy showed up and knew exactly what needed to be done. He took a look at what was going on inside at the drain site, and realized there was a blockage in the plumbing going out from our house.
The repairman went outside and opened up some hole that I had no idea was even in our yard. He used his tools to go in and remove the blockages from the pipes. Our problem was resolved within the hour. It was so nice to let a pro handle everything. We were able to relax and get our holiday weekend back on track.
We still had to deal with the clean-up our mini disaster left behind. Several areas needed new carpet and carpet pads, and the wet baseboards had to be replaced. But nothing too major, thank goodness. It could have been worse.
Life can sometimes throw situations at us that we just aren’t able to handle all by ourselves. Isn’t it a relief to know that there are people out there who know exactly how to help us?
It has been almost a year since our son told us that the carpet was “squishy.” My main memory of that day was running and dumping those buckets into the bathtub like a madwoman, and then realizing that I was dumping the same bucket over and over. That is the part that really makes me laugh. I would never have believed it while I was in the moment, but that day has turned into one of those “We’ll-Look-Back-On-This-Day-And-Laugh” days.
As a homeowner, I can think of several other times when I have had to call out for help. It really helps to be able to have someone dependable to call on in times of need. State Farm agents are available 24/7 by phone and online. Even on holidays! I feel a lot more confident knowing there are experts on my side and willing to help me out of unexpected and tough situations.
What about you? Do you have Homeowners Insurance? Have you ever needed expert help?
JT says
Oh boy, that part where you were running water to drain into the bathtub, and it kept coming back out… yeah, we might have done that too. The neighbor is doing some digging and it seems that they may have collapsed a drainage line. Plumbers are on their way, and thankfully we’ve gotten most of the water out with 5 gallon buckets.
Veronica Marks says
I can’t imagine having my kids come tell me something like this was happening! What a relief you had homeowner’s insurance to cover the damage. We are still renting, but are getting ready to buy a home and hadn’t even thought about what kind of homeowners insurance to get. We’ll have to think this one through really carefully now!
Nicole says
Hi Veronica, Yes – we learned the hard way just how important it is to have good home insurance. Home repairs can get costly really fast and we our insurance saved us so much money when we had a minor disaster. It’s worth having for sure. Thanks for your comments – Nicole
Jenn says
Ugh, we just had our basement flood today. Thankfully it wasn’t waste water. You’re really lucky that your issue was fixed within the hour! We had two pipes fail and it took about three hours to fix the problem and get all of the water out.
Nicole says
Oh no! That’s terrible. I still have nightmares about our basement flooding. I am glad you were able to get things taken care of, too. I’m sorry you had to deal with it, I know it’s a pain. –Nicole
bryan flake says
I’d be so relieved if I were a victim of vandalism and my homeowners insurance covered the damage. If that isn’t a true definition of coverage for something that can’t be helped, I don’t know what is. I’ve also heard of vandalism to homes when the home is still at the frame level. Their insurance covered them as well.
chris rubenstein says
Needless to say, this could have been a lot worse! I am wondering if you have a home safe, which could protect valuables against fire and water (in your case) could potentially lower the price of your homeowner’s policy through State Farm.
Nicole says
That is a great idea, Chris. A fireproof safe could also protect important documents and photos. I’ll have to look into that and see if it could lower our policy price. Thanks for the tip! –Nicole
JR FrugalMom says
Oh my, what a day. I had a day like this last week…it was not fun. You are so right, insurance is essential.
Nicole says
I’m sorry to hear you had a day like this! I know how you feel. I hope everything gets taken care of for you. 🙂
Birdiebee says
This so remind me of the time when I had a pipe break under the foundation in our house and our basement flooded. Yes, had a good insurance company that quickly took action and called in the troops.
Nicole says
Oh no! That sounds terrible. Flooding ruins everything. I am glad that you had good insurance to take care of you. —Nicole
Betsy Barnes says
We had Homeowners Insurance when we lived in our house and during the Blizzard of ’93, our pipes froze and burst, causing water to run down our living room walls. We definitely needed an expert for help repairing. We are now living in an apartment, first thing I did was get Rental insurance, you never know. 🙂
Nicole says
It’s so true that you never know when something is going to happen. And one burst pipe can cause so much damage in a home. I think once you go through something like that, you make sure that you always have insurance in place, just in case. I definitely would not want to be caught without it either. Thanks for stopping by today! –Nicole
deanna says
I saw an episode of Flip or Flop (I love that show) where they bought a house that had been destroyed by vandalism and the homeowners insurance cut them a check or else they would’ve been in trouble.
Nicole says
I love Flip or Flop, too! I have been watching a lot of HGTV lately. 🙂 That is neat to know that homeowners insurance even covered their vandalism. I hadn’t even thought about something like that! Thank you for stopping by today, Deanna. –Nicole