I feel like I have been on a nonstop pottytraining cycle for the past 5 years. Probably because I have been! It seems like by the time I got one of my boys out of diapers, it was time to start training the next one. My fourth and final potty-trainee is loving the recent changes we made to our toilet. Check out a couple of DIY toilet upgrades anyone can get done in minutes!
I received products including the Kohler No Touch Flush kit and Transitions toilet seat in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. This blog post may contain affiliate links.
Turn any toilet into a No-Touch Flush.
I bet you thought you needed to buy a whole new toilet to get the No-Touch Flush feature – I know I did! But guess what? You can actually turn your current toilet into a No-Touch Flush with a Kohler Touchless Toilet Flush Kit. The easy-to-install kit retrofits your toilet so that it becomes a Touchless Flush.
Once it is installed, all you have to do to flush the toilet is hold your hand over the sensor. That will activate the flush. No more touching the toilet handle, which means touching LESS GERMS. This is awesome for adults and children. I especially like it for young children who are still learning how to wash their hands.
It takes about 15 minutes to get the Kohler Touchless Flush Kit installed. And, just so you know, the flush is battery-operated (AA batteries). That means you can still flush the toilet even if the electricity goes out. AND you can still flush the “old-fashioned way” using the handle.
My kids used to be extremely forgetful when it comes to flushing the toilet. I don’t know if it’s a kid thing or a boy thing, but I am always reminding them to flush. I can’t tell you how many times I have to tell everyone, “You do not need my permission to flush the potty. Please flush the potty ESPECIALLY if you poop in it.” I have noticed a lot more flushing going on since we installed the No-Touch flush kit. Even I have to admit a No-Touch toilet flush is a lot more fun to use than a regular ole handle. Score one for Kohler!
Every family should upgrade to Kohler’s Kid-Friendly Toilet Seats.
My little one refused to sit on the toilet – he was scared he would fall in! Nothing I could say would convince him otherwise. But there was something I could DO to change his mind. I installed a Kohler Transitions® Quiet-Close™ with Grip-Tight toilet seat. This DIY toilet upgrade took even less time than it did to install the No-Touch Flush. I removed our old toilet seat and attached the new Kohler toilet seat in less than five minutes from start to finish.
This toilet seat is really two seats in one. There is a seat to fit adults and a child-sized seat. The kids toilet seat can be raised up or lowered down as needed. The built-in potty seat has already worked wonders in our pottytraining routine. My son feels comfortable and secure enough to sit on the potty now. We’re one step closer to potty training success. Thank you, Kohler!
I like that the lid is IMPOSSIBLE for my kids to slam. I didn’t realize just what that “Quiet-Close” in the name was all about until we put the toilet seat on. The lid closes slowly and quietly – a big difference from our other toilet lids. I want to upgrade ALL of our toilet seats to the Quiet-Close. A lot of lid-slamming goes on around here for some reason. The Quiet-Close can put a stop to that.
As you can see, small upgrades like these can make a big difference for your family, especially if you are potty-training a child. A Touchless Toilet is easy, convenient and means less germs getting spread around the house. The Transitions Quiet Close with Grip-Tight toilet seat is designed to be easy-to-clean and easy for everyone in the family to use.
Could your toilet use an upgrade? What do you think about the Kohler Touchless Toilet Flush Kit? Could a Kohler Transitions Quiet-Close with Grip-Tight toilet be the pottytraining help you need?
Jackson Trucker says
A great guide to upgrade toilet in few easy steps. I really loved it. Thanks for this!
Matt Mertz says
Amazing guide to upgrade toilet in simple steps. That is really helpful. Thanks for sharing loved to read
pickmytoilet says
I have Kohler and I love it . Had to replace our old toilet and saw this toilet available in white at an extremely attractive price.(No other vendor on line or local could touch the price.) It arrived well packaged with nothing broken, was installed with no problems, and has performed very well clearing the bowl even though it is advertised to use only 1.28 gallons of water per flush. I highly recommend this Kohler product.
Nicole Dziedzic says
This is pretty cool! I love how you don’t have to touch the toilet to flush, just waving your hand over the sensor, and it is so easy to install. Going to have to tell my husband about this.
shelly peterson says
I love these ideas and nice that I can do them myself. The quiet close lid toilet seat will be helpful with having to potty train my grandson.
Nicole says
Hi Shelly! We really like using this lid for potty training and my younger kids. My son is 3, so he can get up on the potty with a step stool. It is so nice for ME not to have to dump out and clean his old toddler potty’s cup. I like to just flush #1 and #2 away without getting up close and personal with it – I’m sure you can relate!
courtney b says
I love these great ideas. Have you heard of the squatty potty? I need that next.. you’re supposed to squat and poop on it and it really helps out with digestion and constipation. It’s pretty freakin awesome!
Janet W. says
We have a child seat on our toilet which flips up easily so you can use the adult seat without having to take anything off. It’s the best invention, for sure!
Kiara ma says
No-Touch Flush its what i need i have the same problem but not with kids my son have 27 y-old and i need to keep saying him tell now that he need to flush
Preshus Me says
I could totally use a couple of the transitions toilet seats. I’ve got two little guys at home who are forever slamming toilet seats. And anything I can do to get rid of the removable toddler potty seat that we have now… if I never see a 3yo fling a toddler toilet seat across the bathroom floor it will be too soon!
Nicole says
I know it’s not funny – but “if I never see a 3yo fling a toddler seat across the bathroom floor” line cracked me up! I can totally relate to that and the slamming toilet lids. Check out the Kohler Transitions seats, sounds like they could be the answer for you. And it is really SO EASY to switch the old seat to a new one. Thanks for stopping by! –Nicole