Mom Always Finds Out received product samples for my not a sponge review. All opinions expressed are my own. The Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.
It looks like a sponge, acts like a sponge, but it’s not.a.sponge. It’s SO much better than that! You may wonder (like I did), If it’s not a sponge, then what is it? Luckily, the not.a.sponge website explains it all.
not.a.sponge is a 100% pure and natural, made from the super food KONJAC vegetable and organic compounds that your skin loves! The KONJAC vegetable is sustainably-harvested and is biodegradable.
The not.a.sponge makes chemical-free cleansing possible because it contains a natural cleanser found in the KONJAC fibre. No soap is needed, just soak the not.a.sponge with water before use.
not.a.sponge provides gentle cleansing that is suitable for all ages and skin types. In fact, the Volcanic Power Puff I received for review is known to calm skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. I have been using the Volcanic Power Puff ($15,50, daily for the past several weeks. I love that these are handcrafted to be wavy, which makes it perfectly suited for all-over body cleansing. These are so soft and not at all as abrasive as the loofah I usually use to bathe.
The not.a.sponge In The Raw is for made for delicate facial skin. I first remove any makeup and then massage my not.a.sponge all over my face and neck. This stimulates blood flow and promotes skin rejuvenation plus balances my skin’s pH levels. My skin feels so soft and smooth after using In The Raw-Face ($10,
The first time I used not.a.sponge (and every time since) I found myself thinking, I feel like I should be at a spa and letting someone else do this for me. The not.a.sponge feels as good as any spa treatment I can imagine. And I can enjoy that feeling every day at home. These are a luxury beauty product at an affordable price point.
I made the “mistake” of introducing my kids to the not.a.sponge at bathtime. Now, guess what they want me to bathe them with every time? Yes, they love my not.a.sponge. I hope there is a family pack of them, because everyone really needs to get their own and quit using mine! I take that as a sign that my entire family loves not.a.sponge. Yours will, too!
Where To Buy:
Learn more and Shop not.a.sponge products online.
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Jo-Ann Brightman says
This is a very interesting biodegradable not a sponge. I think I shall try it.
Vanessa says
That is super interesting… great review! 🙂
Maryann D. says
This would be fun to try! I like that we do not even need soap on this product. I would need The Raw since my skin is sensitive.
Cassie @ Southeast by Midwest says
I’ve never heard of these products before but they sound great. I’m going to do some more research on my own and see about getting myself one.
Natasha Rodriguez says
Very Cool I want one!
Stephen says
That’s a great product for beautifying your face
Joy Q says
I really want the VOLCANIC POWER PUFF – BODY
Lily Kwan says
I learned that Maggie Gunning and Jane Quinn are co-founders of the company.
Sarah L says
Jane’s interest and passion in developing the not.a.sponge* line with co-founder Maggie, is just the start of the growth strategy for the ‘not.a.*’ cult brand! They aim to find niche products that will give an instant benefit to their brand followers whilst having fun doing it!
rose paden says
I really want to try the VOLCANIC POWER PUFF – BODY! I get psoriasis real bad in the winter time, this would be great for that!
Tanya White says
I would love to try the in the raw for your face.
Judy Chapman says
I would love to try the BAMBOO CHARCOAL for face.
sandy weinstein says
no soap is needed,helps w/ exfoliation and acne, the charcoal.
latanya says
A non foaming cleanser is best with your not.a.sponge* but we recommend water only to keep it super natural and let the nutrients from the sponge work to get your face and body squeaky clean
Edna Williams says
I learned that notasponge is biodegradable.
Melray Rosario says
I learned that no soap is needed. This is amazing!!!!!
Heather says
Even though its “coming soon”, I would love to try the BAMBOO CHARCOAL – BODY. I hope it would help the breakout on my back.
Paol Trenny says
laurie nykaza says
VOLCANIC POWER PUFF – BODY these all look amazing
Cheryl F. says
I like the IN THE RAW body sponge.
anne marie carter says
I learned that it is all natural and that it is beneficial to the skin.
Sue Hull says
I learned that has all the important vitamins in it. Just reading what it is, Euphoric Skin Food makes me really want to try one of these. My skin would be in heaven. LOL! Thank you 🙂
Linda Meyers-Gabbard says
I learned that the not a sponge is Made from pure Konjac vegetable for Face and Body *Euphoric food for the skin, is 100% Natural, Earth and Skin Friendly, is Alkalinity Natural (pH 8.4 balanced), it is Biodegradable and Handcrafted with love.
Ladyblueeyez1960 (at)(aol)(dot)(com)
CathyH says
The volcanic power puff sounds like what I need!
Melissa Gonick says
I learned that no soap is needed
Fawn H says
I would love the Bamboo Charcoal sponge
Rebecca Peters says
Learned that its made from super food and organic compounds and you just need only water! 😀 Sooo cool!
Amanda Alvarado says
I’d love to try the BAMBOO CHARCOAL – FACE not.a.sponge
Jill A. Collins says
I learned that the sponge is Biodegradable.
Cynthia Sizemore says
I like the notasponge because it doesn’t require you to use soap.
Carla D. says
It’s biodegradabl and handcrafted with love. 🙂
Ruth Anderson says
No soap needed so this will mean no more dry skin after your shower .yahh
Kimberly Schotz says
I like the Bamboo Charcoal Body Sponge.
Michelle F. says
would love to try the charcoal sponge
Gayle J says
I would like to get the Bamboo charcoal body when it becomes available
Darlene Owen says
i also like the VOLCANIC POWER PUFF – FACE
michelle oakley warner says
wow it is amazing, i love that they have three different types of face products, they all do something different, one dries up blackheads, other cleanses and smooths skin and last one softens fine lines, i think that is the coolest thing, we look for products all the time to slather onto our skin and maybe all you really need is not a sponge,awesome
Carla S says
I want the body volcanic power puff.
Andrea says
It every interesting. It makes me want to try them. I like the facials sponges and the volcanic body sponge also.
Ashley F says
I would love the Volcanic Powder Puff for face!
Jackie says
I learned that to use, you just massage onto skin and rinse with water.
Thank you!
Dorothy Teel says
Interesting not.a.sponge must be thoroughly wet to use it and it needs to be microwaved to sterilize weekly and if it gets cracked it is time to replace it.