Seventh Generation Free & Clear diapers are now more eco-friendly than ever. Their redesigned lighter-weight core is even more absorbent while using less processed chlorine free wood pulp. Parents and caregivers who are looking to reduce their environmental impact while using disposable diapers can trust Seventh Generation.
The recently re-launched Free & Clear diapers have a new look that helps show off what makes them so special. Free & Clear diapers do not include chlorine processing, fragrances, latex and petroleum based lotions. Seventh Generation has also reduced the size of the packaging, meaning less landfill waste. In fact, their plastic packaging can be recycled at your local grocery stores in the plastic bag recycling collection boxes.
Our family recently welcomed a new baby, which meant we added another diaper wearer to our family. I love the environmental benefits of using cloth diapers, but having two little ones in cloth diapers is a huge task when it comes to laundry. I have been looking for an eco-friendly disposable diaper and I welcomed the opportunity to try Seventh Generation Free & Clear, since I read the research and felt that they were a greener alternative compared to other disposable diaper brands.
We have found that the Seventh Generation Free & Clear diapers are absorbent and effective at containing messes. The fact that they don’t use harsh chemicals and dyes makes me feel good about putting them on my children’s sensitive skin. They have not caused any sort of skin irritation on my boys. Although these diapers are not compostable or biodegradable, they are on my list of brands that strive to be more eco-conscious and I totally support that!
Where To Buy: Seventh Generation diapers are available at major retailers and online. Check the Seventh Generation website to see the list of retailers.
Save Money! Right now, there is a high value coupon ($2.00 Off) available for Seventh Generation Free & Clear diapers printable here.
Connect! Seventh Generation on Facebook and
Seventh Generation on Twitter
WIN a Package of Seventh Generation Diapers! Giveaway is open to USA residents ages 18 and up. Ends on July 27 at 11:59pm PST.
How To Enter:
Mandatory: Please follow Mom Always Finds Out on Google Friend Connect and leave a comment with your GFC name. *If GFC is not working, simply leave a comment telling me it isn’t working…Google has had problems lately.
Bonus Entries – Leave separate comments for each entry:
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*Tweet and/or Facebook share this giveaway link. (one entry per day per method).
Disclaimer: Seventh Generation provided me with the free product, information, coupon link, and giveaway through MyBlogSpark. All opinions are 100% mine and based on my personal experience with the product.
courtney says
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debbie m says
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tina reynolds says
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debbie m says
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courtney says
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Caryn S says
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LoryAnn Payne says
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Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/95273556409204736
lisa says
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debbie m says
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Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/94815764497969152
Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
Rachel R. says
Janet W. says
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debbie m says
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Carolyn H says
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Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/94115139946684416
Janet W. says
shared on fb 7/21
Janet Watson
Janet W. says
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debbie m says
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Carolyn H says
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Kimberly says
I tweeted today 7/21
alice says
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/yuukiimi/status/93886734990970882
Guyanese Gal says
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Guyanese Gal says
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Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
Carolyn H says
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debbie m says
7/20 fb share
Janet W. says
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Janet W. says
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Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/93481631901421569
Randy Bailey says
Daily Bailey Tweet
Rachel R. says
Janet W. says
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Janet W. says
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debbie m says
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Carolyn H says
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Kimberly says
I tweeted today 7/19
alice says
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/yuukiimi/status/93153073765154817
Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
courtney says
7/18 tweet
Kimberly says
tweet! thank you!
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Janet W. says
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debbie m says
7/18 fb share
Carolyn H says
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alice says
daily tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/yuukiimi/status/92787966384148481
Carolyn H says
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Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
Guyanese Gal says
7/15 http://www.facebook.com/guyanesegirl/posts/174187349313147
Guyanese Gal says
7/15 http://twitter.com/#!/guyanese_gal/status/91647746783723520
Rachel R. says
Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/92670037105717248
amy v says
email sub
amy v says
Janet W. says
shared on fb 7/17
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Janet W. says
tweet 7/17
debbie m says
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Andrea says
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Amanda Alvarado says
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debbie m says
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alice says
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Michelle says
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Michelle says
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Janet W. says
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Michelle says
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Michelle says
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alsatia23 at hotmail dot com
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debbie m says
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Carolyn H says
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I follow on GFC and every other way but I am too lazy to write it all in here 🙂 Hugz!
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debbie m says
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Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/91181674049703937
Robin Blankenship says
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Aimee E. says
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Michelle says
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Janet W. says
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Michelle says
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mommawithfour at hotmail dot com
Michelle says
mommawithfour at hotmail dot com
Wendy @ SuperSaverMama says
Networked Blogs Follower
Wendy @ SuperSaverMama says
GFC Follower. 🙂
Andrea says
Tweet! http://twitter.com/#!/ampaetka/status/90997947084451840
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Justine McD. says
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Justine McD. says
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courtney says
courtney says
following you on networked blogs courtney bella
courtney says
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courtney says
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sarah at realtorsd.com
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