A Nest Learning Thermostat makes it easier than ever to Go Green. This smart thermostat doesn’t require much effort beyond a simple installation process (and you can even hire a pro to come do that for you!). I recently received my Nest thermostat as part of a team of awesome Verizon influencers. I think it is so fun to try out the latest tech for a smarter and greener home – and I love sharing my results with everyone.
My house turned smarter with the Nest in January. It has already helped my family use less energy, which means we also save money on our energy bills. I think everyone should get a Nest thermostat for their home.
Eco conscious people will love saving energy, Techy people will love having the ability to control their home’s environment from any mobile device, Thrifty people will love saving big bucks every month on their heating and cooling bills, and Busy people who have better things to do than turn their thermostats up and down all day will love the Set it and Forget it convenience.
Every month, I receive an email with my Nest Energy Report. It shows a quick summary of the past month’s heating and cooling usage, plus gives me tips on how to save more energy. Now that I have had the Nest for 3 months, my reports can compare monthly energy usage.
In January, we were just getting started with the Nest. My report let me know how many hours of energy the home used for heating and I also saw how much energy Nest Thermostats have saved users since October 2011.
February’s Nest Energy Report told me that I’m in the top 50% of Nesters this month because we used less energy. Yahoo! I was pretty proud of us for earning those Green Leaves. I also learned that the Nest app can check the batteries on Nest products. I would love to install Nest smoke detectors in our home so I could easily check the batteries.
March’s energy report compared our February and March energy usage and showed we used 20 fewer hours. The temperatures outside are warming up, so naturally we don’t need to run the heater as much. The Nest keeps our climate under control.
I also earned more Green Leaves in March and am in the top 45% of Nesters for the month. March’s report told me that I used 21% less heat per month than my state’s average.
I love the Nest thermostat’s Auto Away feature. I sometimes forget to set our Nest to the Away setting (this conserves energy). But the Nest makes up for it and turns itself to Auto Away. This happened just last weekend. We were gone all afternoon and our Nest set to Auto Away. I got home and checked the Nest display to see just how much energy we saved that day because of the Auto Away setting. Our home used 1 hour and 15 minutes less energy that day because of our Nest. Check it out:
The Nest encourages me to be more eco-friendly with my home’s energy usage. I like to set our thermostat temperature a degree or two lower and see how that impacts our energy usage. My goal is to earn some Nest “Kudos” on my monthly Energy Report. Kudos are for Nesters who do something more efficiently than they’ve done in the past, or if they’re doing much better than other Nesters.
The initial cost of a Nest thermostat is $250, but a smart thermostat can pay for itself within 1-2 years (maybe even faster!) depending on the amount of energy your home uses.
Click to learn more about the Nest Home Thermostat.
Do you want to turn your home into a smarter, greener home? What do you think about the Nest Home Thermostat? Would you like to save money on your energy bills with a Nest?
Ari T. says
I’d like to try the Nest smart thermostat for many reasons, but mainly so it’s easy to control the temperature from a mobile phone and we get monthly reports on our energy usage. The Auto Away feature sounds very convenient! I think I’d be using that the most just because we tend to keep our household temperature at a steady level during each season.
Nicole says
This would be perfect for you. I love that I can control my home’s temp from my phone while we’re away. But I also love that if I forget to switch over to Away, the NEST realizes I’m gone and does it for me. That feature alone saves us a lot on our energy usage/bills. If you get one, you’ll have to let me know what you think! -Nicole
Kevin says
Great review! This is truly an amazing device and just the beginning for giving people the opportunity to begin making there homes smarter.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
I really like the Nest smart thermostat and I can see how it would help any of us save energy
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
This looks so awesome, I saw it Lowe’s and I wants it bad! 🙂 So cool.
kristin says
My hubby would really love this! A great way to save energy and track energy usage this summer.
StacieinAtlanta says
I’ve seen these thermostats but really didn’t know what they could do. All I can say is Wow. The thermostat has come a long way lol.
alicia k says
i’d love to save 20% on energy bills!
Onica {MommyFactor} says
Wow this Nest Learning Thermostat really helps you beware of how much energy your using. Very smart and useful features.
popcosmo says
Love this report – I keep hearing about Nest, but hadn’t actually had anyone break down the data for me. This is fantastic!
Marina says
We really need something like that. Definitely very energy efficient and will help curb costs during our Texas summers
Liz Mays says
I like the comparison so you can see where you fall in line with energy usage. It helps keep you accountable!
Tara says
I know vacation home companies that use these and the work fantastic. A great way to save money.
Amber Edwards says
Oh i really love the features of the Nest! I think that would be awesome to get for our new house!
Brandy says
This would be a huge help in our house. I wonder if we could have one for our whole house or if we would need one one each thermostat. Off to do some research!
Mama to 5 BLessings says
this sounds like a great resource to save money and to be more efficient!
Kristen @ My 3 Little Kittens says
Love this! Definitely going to have to check this out when we finally get a home of our own!
Amy Desrosiers says
Anything that would help me to save my hard earned money is much appreciated here!
Sandra says
Wow I had never heard of this, thanks we actually need one.
Jennifer Soltys says
Still cannot believe I don’t have one of these considering I work for an HVAC company!! LOL It looks awesome!!
Pam says
I think these thermostats are so cool! I have been wanting one for our home.
Angela says
I haven’t seen this before. I think it’s great and would love to have one in my home.
Maryann D. says
I would love to have a A Nest Learning Thermostat. We have upgraded to digital thermostats, but they are nothing compared to this. I know we could save money if we had this one.
Ellen Christian says
Now that is very handy. I seriously want one of these.
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
That is a really cool thermostat, and we need a new one soon so I’ve been reading up on different ones. I love the auto away feature!!
Sandra VanHoey says
We are cutting energy by hanging outdoors now for our clothing and cutting back where we can. I’d like having this to see how we’re doing, I like this one
Keikilani says
Our old 1925 house is NOT energy efficient! We are trying to make little changes every year to get it up do date and saving us money!