I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central for TCF Bank. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
April is Financial Literacy Month. In honor of the occasion, TCF Bank, a Minnesota-based national bank, has created a fun quiz that lets everyone to think about their financial habits and find out their “financial animal.” I was curious. I didn’t know what sort of financial animal I would turn out to be.
Historically, I’m not a very good money manager. I don’t like to think about finances. That’s pretty sad considering my dad is an accountant. His love of numbers and balancing books did not get passed on to me. But I do like to take quizzes, so off I went to TCF Bank to find out my financial animal fate! Six easy (and a bit silly) quiz questions later…it turns out, I am am….
Coyote! I’m a crafty scavenger, always on the hunt for a bargain. My ideal day is spent digging in the couch cushions for spare change, clipping coupons and scouring the web for promo codes. It can be a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it for the sense of accomplishment I feel after scoring a killer deal.
Although my ideal day is not spent digging in the couch cushions for spare change and clipping coupons, I do like to score killer deals and will spend a lot of time hunting for them.
Now that I know I’m a naturally wily coyote when it comes to finances, I can better use the TCF Bank’s Learning Center. They offer practical money management advice to adults. The Learning Center simplifies difficult financial concepts with video, animations, gaming and social networking. This impartial, non-commercial resource can be a helpful tool for anyone who wants to learn how to manage their financial future.
I want to know more about how I can use my personal savings account to help me put away money for the future. The TCF Bank’s Learning Center can help me with financial planning.
What kind of financial animal are you? Find out when you take the TCF Bank Financial Animal Quiz!
Let me know what you think about the quiz in the comments. And if you feel comfortable sharing your quiz results, please do tell us what sort of financial animal you are. What are some of your future financial goals?
Ari T. says
I am a coyote. I think it probably is the best representation of my current financial state because of how the coyote is described. Technically, though, I’m probably a more flexible coyote in real life as the quiz had a lot of answers that I had a hard time choosing between because there wasn’t one answer that really applied to my life, so I ended up choosing the most relatable answer. I think I’d definitely like to boost my financial IQ in the future.
Jo-Ann Brightman says
I’d like to be better with my finances. I too am a coyote.
StacieinAtlanta says
Another coyote checking in lol! I am ALWAYS looking for the best deal.
Nicole says
Lots of coyote moms around here! I think we need to make up a cheer – or some sort of coyote howl. LOL
alicia k says
i am a coyote! very accurate results.
Kathleen Garber says
I’m not sure I want to take the quiz. I know we don’t deal with our finances properly and I am afraid it will tell me I’m doing it all wrong!
Sandra says
I was completely honest also, would love to know how it went for others.
Nancy @ Whispered Inspirations says
Oh gosh, I am definitely going to take this test. I don’t think it will be something too good. LOL.
Tammilee T says
I am interested to see what the test says I am. Some days i am a scavenger and other days i am a splurger.
Nicole says
Hmmmm. I believe those are called “shape shifters” or something like that, according to my Sookie Stackhouse novels. LOL
Michele Brosius says
I am a coyote and I think the definition describes my financial decisions about 90% of the time.
Liz Mays says
Now I’ve got to know what I’m labeled as. I was trying to pretend I didn’t need to know, but I do!
Toni says
Oh gosh there is no telling what it will say I am LOL. I will definitely have to take that test.
Amber Edwards says
Now I”m really curious about my financial animal! We have been working really hard at changing our financial habits the last year. I wonder if I”m a much smarter animal now. 🙂
CrazyMom a/k/a Melanie says
I think I have my son take this quiz.. we just had a big argument over this for his future.. MAYBE he will learn…?? Thanks for sharing, I’m def. gonna take it and compare him and me.. hahah that will be fun #Teenagers.. yup that’s all I need to say
Pam says
I’ll definitely have to take this quiz, I would like to know what kind of financial animal I am!
Janel says
I love the definition of a Coyote! I used to be big into couponing and deal hunting and that’s a perfect description, lol!
Amy Lynn Desrosiers says
I have always been good at managing money which has helped me to obtain a lot at a young age. My husband would probably blow throw his money if it werent for me.
Jennifer Soltys says
I am a coyote — the crafty scavenger. LOL Sounds about right!! That’s so neat.
Keikilani says
This is a fun test! I am the money girl in our family. Keeping track of everything is big job.
mama to 5 blessings says
Thankfully my husband and I are good with money, very frugal. Once in a blue moon we splurge but with 5 kids it’s hard to!
Amanda A says
I agree about having a savings account. It’s important to save and to teach out kids to save too
Katy Rawson says
I have no idea what kind of financial animal I am. But I will find out this evening. I’ll take the quiz. I really need to have a better plan concerning my money. If not for your post, I would not have heard of this.
Angela says
I guess I am a coyote as well. I’m a bit of a bargain shopper.
Scott says
The problem with a quiz like this is people answer what they think the correct answer is, and not how they actually are. Then they feel vindicated by their financial decisions when they really should be changing the way they spend.
Nicole says
I can’t speak for other people but when I took the quiz, I was completely honest when I chose my answers. Actually some of the questions and answers were a bit silly – so it’s not like I had anything to be ashamed of. I feel like I got pretty accurate results, too. I wish I knew what some of the other “financial animals” were though so I could compare notes.
susan says
I will have to take the test, I would say I am a wolf, or something of that sort…
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos says
I’m almost scared to know what i’d be. Luckily my husband would rock that test, his Mother {a manager of a bank} taught him well. Ying & Yang, him & I!! lol