Welcome to the Sunday & Monday blog hops post! Blog hops are a GREAT way to help your blog increase GFC followers, Facebook fans, Networked Blogs numbers, and Twitter followers. I REALLY appreciate all of you for taking the time to follow my blog on any of these outlets. As a new blog, it has been so awesome to grow and I look forward to growing more every day! ๐
A special thanks to everyone for making last weekend a great weekend for my Facebook page! Please find me on Facebook if you haven’t already – I will Like you back there too!
I love making new friends and finding new blogs through the hops. I think a Facebook Fan Appreciation Giveaway will soon be in the works, so be sure to stay tuned!
If you’re new to Mom Always Finds Out, I’d love to have you follow along and join in as I share little tidbits from my life and I hope you enjoy the reviews, giveaways and good deals I pass along from time to time. I LOVE reader comments & look forward to getting to know you through the things you say too.
Have a wonderful week & be sure to check out my Current Giveaways tab above to enter my low entry giveaways ending this week!

susan says
I am following you (suelee1998) from the blog hop, you have a great site. Would you please follow me back? http://susansdisneyfamily.blogspot.com/
thank you ๐
Danielle Horne says
Love the blog, please come by and check mine out when you have time.
Billie R says
Hi there! I’m Billie, new GFC follower, like you on FB, follow you on NB, and email subscriber! Feel free to stop by and do the same if you get a minute.
Robin says
newest follower from the hop
Maureen says
I am your newest follower…Please stop by and say hi and follow me too! ๐
Thanks and have a great day!
Shanon/I'm That Mommy says
Returning the follow! I also followed on networked blogs and facebook.
Kate says
I’m stopping by and following you from Mom Blog Monday Blog Hop. I hope you’ll check out my blog Frazzled Mama at http://frazzled-mama.com and follow me back.
Thanks for sharing all the blog hops.
Mia@Freebies and Cheapies says
Stopping by from the Retail Therapy blog hop. I love your site!!
Jennifer says
Hi, I’m following you from the Sunday Strolling Blog Hop and I’m a new follower. Hop over and say hi if you get a chance!
Terri says
Found you from Say Hi Sunday and am now a new follower. Love your blog! Hope you can come by sometime http://www.acreativeprincess.blogspot.com
Leetah East says
I will be back to see what you have ‘found out’ lately! Cute site!
Following from the Sunday Stroll.
Leetah East
http://leetahinwriting.blogspot.com -for my own thoughts
http://afkdinner.blogspot.com -for some awesome dinner ideas
Elisa says
I love that: Mommy Always Finds Out ๐
I’m following from hop.
Andie says
Hello, following your blog now, and will follow you on twitter in just a moment as well.
Enjoy your weekend!
Kyla says
I am a new follower from the I Heart Maternity Weekend Hop! Would love a follow back at http://www.kylakreates.blogspot.com. Thanks!!
Retail Therapy says
Found you on a blog hop and am your newest follower – Would love for you to check out my blog and follow back if you like it.
Check out my “retail therapy” giveaways and enter a few, there are some great products to win. Also – if you do giveaways – join my March Madness Giveaway Hop!
I also have a fantastic weekly blog hop.
I Heart Maternity says
I Heart Maternity is following you back from the Weekend Blog Hop! Hope you join us again next week!!