As a brand ambassador for Arm & Hammer Garbage Disposal Cleaner, we received products and compensation in exchange for our review. All opinions expressed are our own. So. Your kitchen sink drain smells bad? It's probably because you need to clean the garbage disposal. Over time, food waste particles can build up and cause sink odor. Don't worry - Arm & Hammer Garbage Disposal Cleaner is an easy fix for stinky sink. Plus, ...
Arm & Hammer
Laundry Hacks You Should Be Using
Every now and then, I miss a Laundry Day or two in a row and my house gets hit by the phenomenon we like to call Laundry Mountain. It happens when our laundry basket is completely full, but everyone keeps piling dirty clothes on top. The mountain grows higher and higher until it's halfway to the ceiling. Eventually, somebody tosses something on there that causes the whole mountain topple down onto the floor. That's when I know I can't put off ...
How I Keep My Laundry Holiday Fresh with Less!
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Arm & Hammer. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating. I switched to Arm & Hammer laundry detergent several months ago. I had never used Arm & Hammer detergent, which is kind of crazy considering I add Arm & Hammer baking soda to the wash because it naturally whitens and freshens my ...