If ever there was an easy way to bake artisan bread, this is it. I used to bake crusty round loaves of bread using a baking stone. But I decided to try a new method. The Dutch Oven method. Turns out, my bright red enameled cast iron dutch oven can do more than sit pretty on my stove! It's a super easy way to bake oven fresh bread. This bread recipe = so easy. Just 3 ingredients. Well, 4 if you count the water. The finished product is a ...
cast iron
Le Creuset on a Budget ~ Colorful Enameled Cast Iron For Less, Looks Like Le Creuset!
Do you drool over the gorgeous colors of Le Creuset cookware? I do! And then I cry a little when I see the high price tags that I just cannot afford. But there's hope for those of us who are looking for Le Creuset on a budget. It's called Lodge Color. I am already a fan of Lodge cast iron skillets, so I would be willing to be their other products can be expected to perform just as well - and give my kitchen the look of Le Creuset for much less ...