The minute my kids walk in the door from school, they are sniffing for food. You'd think they had not had a bite to eat all day - but I send them a lunchbox packed with food, and it is always empty when they get home. So I know they eat - but by late afternoon, they are in desperate need of a refuel. I like to have after school snacks for them that won't ruin their appetite for dinner. And I try to avoid feeding them sugary sweets like ...
kid friendly snacks
Back To School Lunch Tips From Earth’s Best ~ (Giveaway Closed)
It's important for growing children to eat wholesome foods. Now that it's time to start packing school lunches, it's time to think about healthy food choices that are easy to send with your child. Earth's Best has a variety of delicious organic products that are perfectly sized for your child's lunchbox! Earth's Best Organic Sunny Days Snack Bars are naturally sweetened cereal bars filled with real fruit! These individually wrapped bars are ...
Earth’s Best Organic Fruit & Yogurt Smoothies Pouch Sampler
Summer is here and families are outside on the go all the time! Are you packing nutritious snacks for your toddler? Let me suggest one of my child's favorites: Earth's Best Organic Sesame Street Fruit & Yogurt Smoothies. They come in a convenient pouch that is perfect for travel. I am always sure to keep these stocked in my diaper bag so there is always one handy when I need it. Each pouch contains one full serving of fruit. Earth's ...