How cool is it to be able to make soda at home anytime you want it? Let me tell you: It's very cool! We received the SodaStream Genesis Soda Starter Kit and didn't waste any time setting it up and starting our very own soda factory in the kitchen. My kids could hardly believe their eyes as they watched their mom making soda! They had no idea such a thing was even possible! And I must admit, it was totally fun for me, too. How does the ...
Make your own soda
Make Soda at Home ~ SodaStream
Make your own soda at home with a SodaStream soda maker! A Fountain Jet Soda Lover’s Start-up Kit (~$100 retail value) includes the Fountain Jet, CO2 that makes over 100 liters of soda, 2 reusable carbonating bottles, a sample pack of flavors, and 3 full-sized flavors of the winner’s choice similar to what is shown here: SodaStream soda makers let you make your own soda, just the way you like it, in a great variety of flavors including ...