The long-awaited sequel to the 2003 Disney/Pixar Oscar-winning film Finding Nemo was just announced! Finding Dory will be diving into theaters everyone on November 25, 2015. ...
Happy Mother’s Day ~ Disney/Pixar BRAVE Clip
Take a moment to watch the new Mother's Day spot from Disney/Pixar's Brave. It's a very sweet clip that is sure to get you even MORE excited to be at the theaters when BRAVE opens on June 22! I love the song "Into the Open Air" by Julie Fowlis (from the movie soundtrack) you hear playing in the background of this clip. ...
Let the Cars 2 Mania Begin!
I honestly think I am just as excited as my kids are for the upcoming 'Cars 2' movie release on June 24th. Here are some items to help feed your 'Cars 2' mania between now and then. The OFFICIAL Disney 'Cars 2' site, where you can watch the preview, sign up for exclusive news updates, and more. The 'Cars 2' Facebook page - join the millions of other fans! Watch the teaser trailer for the Cars 2 Video Game (releases in June!) Check ...