My kids love to eat fruit snacks and cereal bars at home and on-the-go. As a mom who wants to feed healthy snacks to her children, I read the ingredients labels on our foods to see what actually goes IN to what we are eating. Imagine how happy I was to read the Tastybrand Organic Cereal Bar label and see that they are made with nutritious FRUITS and VEGETABLES.

I’m not kidding, these whole grain cereal bars are made with fruits and vegetables baked in the filling and in the dough! We tried the Carrot Cake variety, which has a carrot and apple filling with sweet potato and dates baked into the dough. The bars also come in Pumpkin Pie, yum!
Tastybrand Cereal Bars have no trans-fat, GMOs, hydrogenated oils or anything artificial. Not only did my children like to eat these, but I will admit to eating about as many of these bars as they did. They were delicious! They are truly a snack I can feel good about feeding my family.

Tastybrand’s organic Fruit Snacks DO NOT contain High-Fructose Corn Syrup, which is one of the main ingredients I try to avoid feeding my children. The Fruit Snacks DO contain lots of good things like real fruit juice and 100% daily value of Vitamin C. They are also Vegan and Gluten-Free. Most importantly, they taste good and my kids like to eat them.
Their Sport Fruit Flavor variety is something I have never seen before in fruit snacks. They include electrolytes to aid in hydration. That sounds cool, doesn’t it? I took a box with us last weekend when I knew we had a long day outdoors walking with the kids. When we took a break, everyone ate fruit snacks with electrolytes. I think these would be perfect to carry along for treats after games at the ballpark or while playing at the playground. Other Fruit Snack varieties include Mixed Fruit and Superfruit Flavors.
Fun Facts about Tastybrand:
*Tastybrand was co-founded by 2 Mompreneurs, Liane & Shannan, and has been featured on The View, in Vanity Fair, Life and Style, and Oprah Magazine! Celeb fans include Joel McHale, Melissa Joan Hart, Trista & Ryan Sutter, and many more.
*Tastybrand packages their products in 100% recycled paper & prints with vegetable-based inks. They have a cute eco-friendly saying right on their package: “Help keep our planet Tasty”.
*Visit Tastybrand for coupons, free stuff & to learn more about other tasty products.
Tastybrand products are available at many retailers. Click to FIND A RETAILER NEAR YOU. They are also available online the Tastybrand e-store and at Amazon.com.
Tastybrand has offered to give away a prize package of Tastybrand Organic Snacks in a Cool, Eco-Friendly Tote Bag to one lucky reader here at Mom Always Finds Out. Giveaway is open to USA residents ages 18 and up and will end on July 17 at 11:59pm PST. Winner will be selected by And The Winner Is (WP plugin) and e-mailed with 48 hours to claim their prize.
Mandatory Entry: Visit Tastybrand and leave one comment on this post about something you saw or learned there.
Bonus Entries – Please leave a separate comment for each of the following entry methods completed:
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Disclaimer: Tastybrand provided free samples of their products in exchange for my review. No other form of compensation was received. Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.
Veronica Garrett says
I learned the snacks are certified organic and made without GMOs, high fructose corn syrup or anything artificial.
vivian says
learn that there gluten -free ty.
DanV says
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I like the Tasty Brand Organic Gluten Free Superfruit Fruit Snack Box- 5- 0.8 oz pouches
Gladys Parker says
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Tried to like Tastybrand but it didn’t work
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Gladys Parker says
I learned they have fist foods for babies and Cindy Crawford is a fan of theirs lol
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tabitha says
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i learned they make organic fruit snacks.
Dana M. says
I learned that Liane Weintraub & Shannan Swanson started Tasty Brand, Inc.
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I learned that they sell Organic Infant Cereals:
charline says
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charline says
I learned that they have infant cereal too
Mellissa C says
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Mellissa C says
I like the Organic Sport Fruit Snacks. I like that they are gluten free.
Sunnie says
I read that they dont have cory syrup in them
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Blast freezing is state of the art technology that allows our food to quickly be frozen solid without any ice crystals forming. This ensures the color, texture, flavor, and nutrients are locked in for your child’s benefit.
Laurie Brown says
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amanda says
I learned they have gluten free food.
Laurie Brown says
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L Brown
Laurie Brown says
learned that they also have gluten free snacks
Shari Klyn says
i follow you on gfc as sklyn
Shari Klyn says
Tasty Brand snacks are always certified organic and made without GMOs, high-fructose corn syrup or anything artificial.
amy deeter says
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two moms created this
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I learned that they were featured on a variety of shows and in a variety of magazines.
Sarah says
I learned that there is nowhere within 25 miles of my house that carries these products.
Emma Peel says
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Emma Peel says
I learned that the Tasty Brand Organic Gluten Free Superfruit Fruit Snack Box- 5- 0.8 oz pouches come in a one pack or 6 pack size.
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I learned that they have ” coupons coming soon” according to their web site!
May G says
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May G says
I learned on the website that frozen food preserves nutrients better than canned food does. I thought that was interesting.
Vicki D. says
Tasty Brand snacks are made without GMOS, high-fructose corn syrup, or anything artificial.
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I learned that the grandfather of Shannon Swanson, one of the co-owners of Tasty Brand, founded Swanson Frozen Foods and that she also was a student at the Le Cordon Bleu in Paris.
Diane Baum says
I learned they don’t contain high fructose corn syrup
Diane Baum
Wendy R. says
I learned that you can order Tasty at amazon.com and that Melissa Joan Hart is a fan!
Steph says
Steph says
they have no HFCS yay!!
cw says
I learned it was created by 2 moms….also learned they have gluten free
Caryn S says
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I learned they are made without high fructose corn syrup
Hannah says
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Sammi says
I learned they have pumpkin pie flavored bars – yum!
Hannah says
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Hannah says
I learned that Tasty Brand snacks are always certified organic and made without GMOs, high-fructose corn syrup or anything artificial.
hrhersch at yahoo dot com
Tiffany U says
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Tiffany U says
yay organic fruit snacks that taste good its a miracle lol!!
cyndi stallings says
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cyndi stallings says
I learned that the Brown Rice cereal promotes relaxation & builds muscle during sleep!
Sabrina Radke says
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Sabrina Radke says
I learned that they will offer coupons soon on their site! I LOVE coupons!
sradke1024 at gmail dot com
Marysa N. says
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Marysa N. says
I learned they make Baby Cereal and Baby food like “Bangoes”! Their products all look great!
Marysa {at} marysa {dot} com
Mallory Castille says
They are uSDA organic
Katy P says
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We would love to try the Organic Mixed Fruit Snacks and the Tasty Day Oatmeal for my baby.
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gingeroo616 at aol dot com
stacy says
I learned you can buy Tastybrand at Amazon.com
gingeroo616 at aol dot com
Melissa says
I learned that I can buy their products at Whole Foods!
Claire says
I wanna try Organic Carrot Cake Cereal Bars the most.
Christine says
it’s vegetarian-friendly
sus says
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They give ideas for incorporating the fruit purees into foods that are toddler friendly
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
donna zittel says
Love that the cereal is vegetarian with its DHA!
Vee says
It’s nice that they put in DHA derived from algae in their infant cereals – no fish involved! So it’s vegetarian-friendly
sswpss at yahoo dot com
Cindy M says
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Cindy M says
I follow Tasty Brand Organic snacks on Twitter. My Twitter name is foodhistorian.
Cindy M says
I like Tastybrand Organic snacks on Facebook. Nt FB name is Cindy Merrill
Cindy M says
Hey, this is neat: Organic Cereal Bars: They’re non-GMO, kosher, nothing artificial or hydrogenated & no high-fructose corn syrup!
Kris says
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Kris says
they also have baby foods (that I would like to try for myself)
KDSyrjala @ gmail . com
Jennifer H says
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Jennifer H says
They were featured on O magazine.
jenhedger at hotmail dot com
Lara J says
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Lara J says
I learned they also Carry Organic Infant Cereal – and it’s Certified USDA Organic
larajarrette at gmail dot com
Susan Ladd says
Hope to win 🙂 YUMMY
Linda Lansford says
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Linda Lansford says
I saw Tasty Brand Organic Gluten Free Superfruit Fruit Snack Box- 5- 0.8 oz pouches
UPC: 897261001323
1 Pack, 4 oz: $4.99 (4.99/Unit)
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I learned that Tasty Brand snacks are always certified organic and made without GMOs, high-fructose corn syrup or anything artificial.
Tevya Harpole says
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Tevya Harpole says
I learned that their instant infant cereals come in resealable BPA-free bags.
sus says
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sus says
They give ideas on how to use their baby food for toddlers stage- one or two purees mixed into plain yogurt, on top of pancakes, as a glaze on fish or chicken, as a dipping sauce for tofu/chicken/fish, etc.
tnxns09 at gmail dot com
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I learned that their fruit snacks are Fat-free, gluten-free & vegan.
Sandy says
have the ability to buy these from amazon
Mary Beth Elderton says
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Mary Beth Elderton says
Cool—the founder of this company is the grand-daughter of the family that started Swanson Frozen Foods.
amanda says
wow, food companies run in this family!
perki014 at uwp.edu
shannon says
pumpkin cereal bars are YUMMY!
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latanya says
Shannan’s grandfather & his family founded Swanson Frozen Foods