Today is my first time joining the Toddler Talk Thursday hop! I have a 1 year old & 3 year old who love to snack aka “graze” throughout the day, so this week’s question: What is your toddler’s favorite snack is a good one for me to jump in on to learn what other toddlers are eating and get some fresh ideas for snack time at my house.
I read through several of the other mom’s answers to this question and started to feel Mommy Guilt because I couldn’t answer this question honestly and say my kids’ favorite snacks are fruits and veggies. The honest to goodness favorite around here is cookies every time. So…we do eat cookies around here at snack time sometimes!
Mommy Guilt-induced Justification: I do buy most of our cookies and treats from the Natural Foods section to try to avoid certain ingredients. Annie’s Homegrown Bunnies Graham crackers and the Cheddar Bunnies are top on our cookies and cracker list.
Other (healthier) snacks they enjoy: Yogurt, Mandarin Oranges (they are the perfect size!), Peanut Butter on Crackers and Bananas, Fruit/Cereal bars, and Cheese. They also enjoy munching on dry cereals like Cheerios and Chex.
A weird thing my kids do at snack time: They go through phases of what they like to eat. We have had weeks where they will eat bananas so much I can’t keep enough of them on hand in the house. So I go stock up with a Super Sized bundle of bananas. And suddenly, they decide they don’t like bananas anymore and I end up with 5 pounds of brown bananas going bad on the counter. I have no idea what causes this phenomenon. Does this ever happen at your house?
As for growing their veggie love, I have found it helpful to offer new ones over and over (and over!) again until they finally give it a try. I think a few crumbs of carrots have made it to their tummies on occasion. My youngest loves to eat soft cooked peas. A bonus is that it helps his fine motor skills to let him pick them up and feed himself.
So there you have it! I look forward to answering next week’s question! Here is a suggestion (as requested on the hop rules): At what age do you let your toddler wear “real” shoes and what are some of your favorite soft soled options in the meantime?
Diane says
Nice blog…am following from Friday Blog Hop!
Tara says
Hi, its my first time participating in Toddler Talk Thursday too. I’ve really enjoyed it!
We don’t always have healthy snacks either – in fact tonight I made cookies for house church and my 2 year old at SIX. No dinner, just SIX COOKIES! That might explain the massive bedtime meltdown, huh?
Chana says
Hi there! What a sweet little blog you have! Thanks for the follow on mine, happy to return the favor! http://www.mammatown.blogspot.com