Welcome to my blog post about the Ultimate Blog Party 2012! This is my third year as a participant. My first year (2010) was not as a blogger…Mom Always Finds Out was not even invented yet. In fact, I had not even thought about starting a blog. But the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 must have started a little blogging spark in the back of my mind, because by the time UBP 2011 rolled around, I was a newbie blogger right here on this very blog!
Thank you for stopping by Mom Always Finds Out. I hope you have time to leave a brief comment and let me know where to find YOUR blog (if you have one). I’d love to come and visit!
Bloggers and anyone else who wants to join the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 (it’s FREE – and in fact, you can enter to win tons of fun prizes!) can learn more at 5 Minutes For Mom.
If eco-friendly reviews and giveaways are something you love, you have come to the right blog. I love learning about eco-friendly ideas and products and sharing them with you on Mom Always Finds Out. Check out all of my Current Giveaways listed on the right sidebar of my blog.
Mom Always Finds Out is on FACEBOOK and TWITTER. I’m also on Google Plus and Pinterest — those follow me buttons are on my right sidebar if you want to keep in touch that way, too.
This is a PR-friendly blog, so if you would like to contact me about product reviews, giveaways, guest posting and/or ad space, please e-mail me (Nicole) at momalwaysfindsout@gmail.com
Susie B. Homemaker says
Hi, I already follow on Twitter and Facebook but wanted to stop by during the UBP12! 🙂 Here’s my party post.
Juliana RW says
Hi…. I come for the party ^___^ I found your site from UBP 2012. Hope you come to my party post too, http://bit.ly/ubp2012. While you are there, feel free to enter our current giveaway (few of them in cash). Thank you.
Juliana RW