The latest VeggieTales, Princess and the Pop Star, will be released August 16!

My children enjoy watching the VeggieTales stories because they are fun, musical, and always have a little silly kid humor mixed throughout that makes them laugh. We had a great time watching VeggieTales Princess and the Pop Star and I liked that afterwards we talked about the lesson we learned about how everyone is special and unique, and how much God loves each one of us.
Visit YouTube and watch the official VeggieTales Princess and the Pop Star trailer.
About VeggieTales Princess and the Pop Star: A Story of Trading Places:
Princess Poppyseed’s life on her family’s farm is far from the glamorous but lonely world of her favorite pop singer Vanna Banana. On a chance meeting at a playground, Vanna and Princess cross paths and realize that they look almost exactly alike—which leads to the crazy secret plan where they decide to switch lives! As each girl realizes that the life they longed for doesn’t fulfill all of their dreams, they learn that the life God gave them is the one for which they were uniquely and lovingly designed.
DVD Bonus Features:
- Audio Commentary
- “Astonishing Wigs” Silly Songs Sing-Along
- “Right Where You Belong” Sing-Along
- Behind the music with Francesca Battistelli and Friends
- Princess Poppyseed’s Points For Being Uniquely You
WIN a DVD copy of VeggieTales Princess and the Pop Star: A Story of Trading Places
Giveaway is open to USA residents ages 18 and up; it ends September 4 at 11:59pm PST.
Mandatory Entry: Leave a comment letting me know your favorite VeggieTales movie – if you don’t have one, just leave a comment.
Bonus Entries (Please leave a separate comment for each bonus entry task completed):
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Donna K says
I liked you on FB.(Donna Kozar)
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Donna K says
I like Dave and the Giant Pickle.
Sand says
I don’t have a favorite but my nephew loves VeggieTales!
crystal allen says
follow you on twitter clallen1971, clallen at ntin dot net
crystal allen says
like you on fb crystal l allen, clallen at ntin dot net
crystal allen says
gfc clallen at ntin dot net
crystal allen says
we loved the veggie tales pirate movie, clallen at ntin dot net
Leah Shumack says
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Meghan Page says
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Meghan Page says
My Fav is the pirates who dont do anything
Leah Shumack says
I liked you on fb (clair freebie)
Leah Shumack says
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Leah Shumack says
Dave and the giant pickle!!! That is my favorite (which I was introduced to like over 10 years ago lol)
Jana T says
My daughter loves the movie “God Made Us Special”. It is always playing in her room.
Kellie Conklin says
I’m a GFC follower (kconklin1028), thanks!
Kellie Conklin says
I love the veggie tales movies! My favorite is Jonah: A Veggie Tales movie, the caterpillar is just too funny! Thanks for the giveaway!
Benjamin Dopp says
Never have had a chance to see veggie tails but i would love to watch them with my son.
Fatima Knapp says
would love my niece to start watching veggie tales
Candie L says
I loved the 1st Silly Song DVD. Thank you
Heather Stamper says
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Heather Stamper
Heather Stamper says
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Heather Stamper says
My favorite Veggie Tale Movie is ABout Madame Blueberry!
Robert Morris says
my nephew loves them all and this is for him
Erin Cook says
follow you on twitter @cooks1978
Erin Cook says
like you on facebook ERin Cook
Erin Cook says
I like them all
Rachel says
I like the one with Daniel and the Lion’s Den
Erica C. says
We liked the Pirate movie.
Theresa Micke says
Hi, I would really love to win the DVD for my granddaughters as they love VeggieTales and anything to do with princesses!
Noreen says
The pirates who don’t really do anything
monte says
my niece really likes VeggieTales
Bonnigene says
I really like ‘The Pirates That Don’t Do Anything’…love it
Paula Michele says
I’m a GFC follower
Paula Michele says
My favorite is The Ballad of Little Joe.
Jill Myrick says
I am following via Twitter as jlsc123.
Jill Myrick says
I am a fan via Facebook as Jill Myrick.
Jill Myrick says
I am following via GFC as Jill Myrick.
Jill Myrick says
Our favorite VeggieTales movie is LarryBoy and the Bad Apple.
Chleo says
We like the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything. 🙂
Hesper F says
My son loves “Pistachio – The Little Boy That Woodn’t”
Daniel M says
i don’t have a fav movie but my niece really likes these guys!
ReggieMann says
I don’t have a favorite VeggieTales movie but I would love to win this DVD for my 4 year old niece 🙂
ReggieM1961 at gmail dot com
Stephanie G says
follow you on twitter @skgaffney
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Stephanie G says
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Stephanie G says
Lyle the Kindly Viking is my favorite!
Laura says
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Laura says
I like Lord of the Beans
James Cox says
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James Cox says
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James Cox says
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James Cox says
My girls love all the veggie-tales movies. Their favorite is Sweetpea Beauty .
ronda peyton says
My kids love the Veggie Tales Little Thing Called Love
rondasieg at yahoo dot com
Kristin W says
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Kristin W says
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Kristin W says
My kids love “God Made Us Special”
LoryAnn P says
My whole family LOVES Veggie Tales so it is hard to pick a favorite. I think this week it would be a toss up between Lyle the Kindly Viking and Madame Blueberry.
l_dog542 at yahoo dot com
Karen Gonyea says
I don’t really have one; I think I’ve only seen 1 of them so far.
Melissa Phinney says
I follow you on twitter as @SAPsmaMa
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Melissa Phinney says
I follow on GFC as mphin278
Melissa Phinney says
I haven’t seen any veggie tales movies so no favorite one
Fawn H says
I follow you on twitter @fhammons
Fawn H says
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Fawn H says
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Fawn H says
My kids love the Veggie Tales Little Thing Called Love dvd
Charity L. says
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Charity L. says
I follow you on GFC as charity and john.
Charity L. says
I have not seen any of the veggie tales movies, but we love the hair brush song!
Heidi Daily says
I follow you on twitter @hreall
Heidi Daily says
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Heidi Daily says
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Heidi Daily says
The Wizard of Ha’s is my favorite Veggie Tales movie
Linda says
I follow you on GFC(Linda G)
Linda says
Our favorite is Dave and The Giant Pickle
cyndi stallings says
follow on Twitter: @celebrie2
cyndi stallings says
follow on GFC: celebrie2
cyndi stallings says
follow on FB: cyndi stallings
cyndi stallings says
like you, I’ve never seen a VeggieTales movie, but have seen the trailors. I like the theme of this movie! In these days of glamorizing kids who are “famous”, teaching children that each of us are exactly who God meant us to be is the perfect message to get out! Thanks for this giveaway!
Denise B. says
My favorite is “A Snoodle’s Tale”.
crystle tellerday says
i love bob and larry
Tami Vollenweider says
Facebook Fan of Yours
Tami Vollenweider says
I follow You on Twitter (@tamivol)
Tami Vollenweider says
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Tami Vollenweider says
I’d Love to win! My Niece would love this!
Jacquelyn Cannon says
Esther that Girl Who Became Queen!
Jean Lynd says
Love Larry Boy & the Fib from Outer Space!!
Jennifer Jacobs says
My girls are huge veggitales fans. They’d love to have this one!
Rhynada says
I liked you on facebook!! Rhynada Long
Rhynada says
I like the pirates that don’t do anything!!
Kristy says
The theme song is our favorite!!
lisa says
Can’t say i am familiar, but sounds like a nice program for children.
Samantha says
I follow you on Twitter @manthas24
Samantha says
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Samantha says
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Samantha says
I think this would be fun to introduce my children to:)
Janna Johnson says
Jonah movie!
Thanks so much!! Janna Johnson janna@feedyourpig on gfc
allie says
i follow you on Twitter (@monkeygiveaways) Thanks so much!
allie says
My daughter just turned 3 on Monday so we haven’t really watched any full-length movies yet but she does love the Silly Songs DVD. We’ve seen snippets of Veggie Tales Jonah on YouTube, too, and she thinks it’s great! When she saw the preview for this movie, though, she wanted to watch it 5 times in a row–sure to be a favorite, especially since she’s just entering the princess phase (oh please help us now!)
nicole says
GFC follower (coliebear).
nicole says
I like Madame Blueberry.
Nevina says
My daughter loves Veggie Tales! I love the one where the ” little white lie” grows into a HUGE monster!!
Rebecca Graham says
I don’t have a favorite movie.
Adrienne Gordon says
I don’t have one.
Laura O in AK says
Following you on Twitter
Laura O in AK says
Like the FB fan page already.
Laura O in AK says
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Laura O in AK says
We love pretty much ALL of the Veggie Tales. But, The Pirates Who Don’t do Anything is near the top.
Melanie J says
I’ll admit I’m a little behind on the Veggie Tales watching, but I used to watch them all the time years ago! I used to love Veggie Tunes with the Hairbrush Song! 🙂
Gina Hamm says
I Follow Mom Always Finds Out on Twitter. gypsiesthread
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Gina Hamm says
Dont think my kids have a fave veggie tales movie yer, but would love to introduce them to the series with this DVD!
latanya says
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latanya says
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latanya says
I don’t have a favorite veggie tale’s movie.