Hello to my fellow Moms! Have you ever wondered what a “Mom’s Work” would be worth if you actually got a paycheck? Take a look at the Mom’s Real Value Infographic. It shows a theoretical look at how a much mom’s activities could earn in a year. Of course, we all know that a mom’s work is PRICELESS…but this is pretty fun to see!

Shari G says
I’m drastically under paid LOL…I’m on my 4th load of laundry, and 3rd running of dishwasher…plus numerous other jobs.
Jean says
So funny! The thing is, many of those jobs are “second jobs” for women who work full-time outside the home. If I were getting paid for all my “home work” I’d really be raking it in!
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
Mom’s are definitely the most underpaid people in the World and oh so valuable. Interesting Infographic indeed.
Julie Wood says
I think I should get paid more for laundry! LOL! But it is so true all the things that moms do every day for their family. We are worth so much, but we do it out of love! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers!
Robin Wilson says
You have GOT to be kidding me! And to think I worked all these years just for hugs and kisses and smiles and laughter! What was I thinking! LOL 🙂
Brenda says
You could easily include driver, nurse, personal shopper, and much more to easily get that figure over 100k. We should all point to this anytime someone tries to marginalize stay at home mothers, or stay at home fathers for that matter.