Sometimes I wonder if my kids are normal. I have three boys (ages 7, 3, and 1) and you would think I would be somewhat of an expert on what to expect when raising young boys. Not so. All I know is that each boy I have is so completely different in every way: personality, likes and dislikes, my boys don’t even look that much alike for being blood related!
There is a common factor with my two youngest: their love for their blankies. My 3 year old’s constant companion used to be a white, fluffy, soft fleecy baby blanket. The blanket is still his companion, except now it is a ripped, ragged, dingy version of its former self. And my son doesn’t care! He holds it, sucks on it, lovingly strokes it, sleeps with it, wipes his boogers on it….you get the picture. My 1 year old is well on his way to developing the same attachment to his own particular baby blanket. His is a soft bamboo velour that seems to hold up better to daily wear and tear than fleece.
So is this lovey affair a normal occurrence with kids? My oldest son never attached to any blanket, stuffed animal, or anything like that. And if it is normal, when do I try to take the blankey away? Or do I? Will they eventually outgrow the need for their blankey? And yes, it is a need – I can tell horror stories of leaving blankey at Nana’s house and heading off to the airport before realizing it was missing and literally turning around to go get it – who cares if we miss our flight, we MUST not leave the blankey – it was a close call that day, I tell you.
For now, I am totally supportive of lovey affairs with blankets. Blankey comforts my kids as they learn to fall asleep on their own at night, and is there for them when they play during the day. I do my best to keep the rips sewn up and I’m as sneaky as possible when it comes to putting blankey in the washing machine whenever opportunity presents itself (timing is crucial, washing must be done in the brief windows between nap times).
Our family is expecting a couple of new additions later this spring, another baby boy and his blankey. I am currently on the lookout for the perfect choice for his baby blanket, since I have finally realized the level of commitment a lovey affair involves.
Do your babies love their blankets as much as mine do? How long did they love them? I’d love to hear your comments.
Janine says
I think it’s cute when kids love blankies!
patricia says
My girl has been crying one hour on nap time because I was washing her blanket and I do not have a dryer, so she had to wait. For night time I asked my mother to bring me her blanket, as I have another blanket in her house. It has worked! Thanks she’s attach to another blanket.
momalwaysfindsout says
Yuck, that sounds gross. At least I can wash the blankets!
TerriAnn says
My daughter was never one to attach herself to anything in particular. Think of this, though, at least your kids like blankets. I knew one kid that liked to keep a nasty wad of cotton ball near his upper lip…